In the automotive world, alternative-fuel vehicles have been heralded as the next big thing for many years now. These vehicles don""t need fossil fuel, turning instead to cleaner and greener alternatives like compressed natural gas and electricity.
The most prominent members of this family are gas-electric hybrids and battery-powered electric cars, and they""ve made a notable impact on the automotive landscape. For example, among full-size luxury sedans, the electrified Tesla Model S was the top-selling vehicle in the class in 2017 by a huge margin, almost doubling the sales of the runner-up, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class. And Toyota""s frugal Prius hybrids are ubiquitous in cities and suburbs, popular with shoppers seeking to maximize fuel economy.
But as Brad Pitt""s brother will tell you, having a famous relative doesn""t mean you""ll live life in the spotlight, and some types of alternative-fuel vehicles are a lot less well known than the segment""s superstars. You can count fuel-cell vehicles among this number.
What are fuel-cell vehicles, and how do they work?
Fuel-cell vehicles use hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity that powers an electric motor. (Toyota)
Fuel-cell vehicles are electric vehicles (EVs), since they""re powered by an electric motor. But they differ from battery-powered EVs (BEVs) when it comes to how their electricity is sourced.
Battery-powered electric cars get their electricity from a battery that""s used to motivate an electric motor. This battery needs to be charged via a charging station or wall outlet.
Unlike electric cars, fuel-cell vehicles don""t get their electricity from a battery. Instead, they rely on a fuel cell that combines compressed hydrogen with the air""s oxygen to create the electricity needed to drive the motor. To start this process, the car needs to fill its tank at a hydrogen fueling station.
Today""s crop of fuel-cell vehicles includes the Toyota Mirai, Honda Clarity Fuel Cell, and Hyundai Nexo.
What benefits do fuel-cell vehicles provide?
If you like the idea of driving with zero tailpipe emissions, you’ll appreciate fuel-cell vehicles like the Toyota Mirai. (Toyota)
Fuel-cell vehicles provide the following benefits:
Zero tailpipe emissions. When hydrogen and oxygen combine to produce electricity, the only byproducts are water and heat. This means that fuel-cell vehicles produce no harmful tailpipe emissions when driven.  Quick refueling time. Compared to traditional electric vehicles, fuel-cell vehicles can be refueled in a relatively short amount of time. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours to charge most electric vehicles, depending on how large the battery is and the speed of the charging point. A modern fuel-cell vehicle can replenish its entire tank of hydrogen in less than five minutes.  Practical amount of range. While battery-powered electric cars like the Tesla Model 3 can provide as much as 310 miles of range, many picks in this segment aren’t quite as blessed. For example, the driving range for the 2019 Hyundai Ioniq Electric comes in at just 124 miles, according to the EPA. Fuel-cell vehicles offer much better range than most BEVs, and choices like the Toyota Mirai can travel for more than 300 miles on a single tank.
What are the drawbacks of fuel-cell vehicles?
There are just 39 publicly available hydrogen fueling stations nationwide. (Toyota)
Despite the obvious environmental benefits of fuel-cell vehicles, they do come with some drawbacks you""ll want to consider before making a commitment to buy:
Limited network of hydrogen fueling stations. You need access to a hydrogen fueling station if you plan on driving a fuel-cell vehicle. Unfortunately, there aren’t too many of these stations to be found. According to data gathered in January 2018 by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, there are just 39 publicly available hydrogen fueling stations in the United States. Thirty-five of these are located in California, and there are two in South Carolina and two in the Northeast.  Limited vehicle selection. There are fewer than 10 fuel-cell-powered models currently in production, so shoppers don’t exactly have a wealth of choices.
Thinking green
Fuel-cell vehicles have seen their growth hindered by the lack of hydrogen fueling stations, but there are plans underway to create more of these facilities in the years ahead. As more stations are added, these vehicles will become a more practical alternative for mainstream car shoppers.