MAS brings forward the date of disclosure of its foreign exchange intervention operations

Singapore, 6 April 2020…The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) will commence disclosure of its foreign exchange (FX) intervention operations in April 2020, instead of July 2020 as previously announced. The disclosure seeks to enhance the market’s understanding of the actions that MAS has undertaken to implement its monetary policy stance, while preserving MAS’ operational effectiveness. The date of disclosure has been brought forward to provide more timely information to the market, and align with MAS’ monetary policy cycle.

2   The data on MAS’ net purchase of FX from its intervention operations from 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2019 will be published on MAS’ website on 9 April 2020, 5 pm, under the Statistics section. Henceforth, MAS will release the data on a six-monthly basis, on the first business day of every April and October. The data will comprise MAS’ net purchases of FX from its intervention operations on a six-month aggregated basis, and with a three-month lag from the end of the period.
