National Financial Literacy Survey

National Financial Literacy Survey

Singapore, 18 March 2005... Monetary Authority of Singapore 

Financial Education Steering Committee1, which oversees the MoneySENSE national financial education programme, will conduct a national financial literacy survey from 19 March to 30 April 2005.

2   The purpose of the survey is to benchmark the current level of financial literacy among Singaporeans.  This will enable the Committee to develop and deliver financial education programmes that better meet the needs of different segments of the population.  The survey will involve face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 2,000 persons in Singapore.  All interviewers would carry identification badges and letters of authorisation from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

3   To ensure the success of the survey, we seek the full cooperation and assistance of all persons selected to participate in the survey. The information collected from the survey will be compiled to ensure anonymity.

4   For more information, please call MAS at Tel: 6229-9156 or email: .


 The Financial Education Steering Committee comprises representatives from the Monetary Authority of Singapore; Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Manpower; Central Provident Fund Board; and People's Association.    
