Establishment of Temporary Restricted Area for NDP-Related Aerial Activities

25 May 2023 Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) will be establishing Temporary Restricted Areas (TRAs) over parts of Singapore on selected days in May, June, July, and August 2023, under the Air Navigation Order (ANO). The establishment of the TRAs is to ensure the safety of the public and the aircraft that will be flying at low levels as part of the aerial activities for National Day Parade 2023 (NDP 2023).

2        The Temporary Restricted Areas will encompass the Padang and different parts of Singapore, including heartland locations, and will extend from ground level to 2,500 feet above mean sea level.

3        The TRAs will be in effect on the dates and times stated below. In the event of poor weather conditions on any of the planned dates, the reserve dates may also be utilised.

May 2023



30 May (Tue)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

11:30am – 3:00pm

Jun 2023



6 Jun (Tue)

See Figure 1 of Annex A

11:30am – 3:00pm

10 Jun (Sat)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

4:30pm – 8:30pm

17 Jun (Sat)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

24 Jun (Sat)

See Figure 1 of Annex A

Jul 2023



2 Jul (Sun)

See Figure 1 of Annex A

4:30pm – 8:30pm

8 Jul (Sat)

See Figure 1 of Annex A

15 Jul (Sat)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

22 Jul (Sat)

See Figure 1 of Annex A

29 Jul (Sat)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

30 Jul (Sun) (Reserve)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

Aug 2023



9 Aug (Wed)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

4:30pm – 8:30pm

12 Aug (Sat) (Reserve)

See Figure 2 of Annex A

4        During the stated dates and times, the conduct of all aerial activities including kite-flying, hoisting of captive balloons and flying of unmanned aircraft such as drones into and within the TRAs, is strictly prohibited, unless the required permits have been obtained from the CAAS.

5        The conduct of aerial and unmanned aircraft activities within the TRA without the required permits from the CAAS is an offence under the ANO and the Air Navigation (101 – Unmanned Aircraft Operations) Regulations 2019 (ANR-101) respectively. The penalty upon conviction for the offence under the ANO is a fine of up to S$20,000 for the first offence, and a fine of up to S$40,000 or imprisonment of up to 15 months, or both, for the second and subsequent offence. The penalty upon conviction for the offence under the ANR-101 is a fine of up to $50,000 or imprisonment of up to 2 years, or both, for the first offence, and a fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both, for the second and subsequent offence.

6        In addition to the TRAs, existing restrictions on the conduct of aerial and unmanned aircraft activities within 5km of aerodromes, Danger Areas, Prohibited Areas, Restricted Areas and Protected Areas remain in force. Members of the public are reminded to check the website or the OneMap app for information on areas where the conduct of aerial activities is prohibited or requires a permit.

7        The public is also advised not to be alarmed with the expected increase in flying activities and noise levels over parts of Singapore during these dates and times.

8        Information on NDP 2023 is available at
