Assuring Safe Aircraft Operations at Changi Airport Despite Haze

24 June 2013 Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) 

In light of the haze situation, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Changi Airport Group (CAG), together with other airport stakeholder agencies, have taken steps to ensure that aircraft operations at Changi Airport continue to be conducted safely and efficiently even in low visibility conditions. Since 19 June 2013, as a precaution, the separation between aircraft take-offs and landings has been increased. Airfield lights, such as the runway and approach lights, are turned on even in daytime to enhance the visibility of the runways. So far, no significant delays in aircraft departures and arrivals have been experienced.

Changi Airport has the facilities and procedures necessary for the safe landing of aircraft in low visibility conditions in accordance with international standards. It is equipped with instrument landing systems (ILS), which provide position information needed to guide aircraft as they make their approach for landing.

Under normal circumstances, Changi Airport can allow aircraft to land safely when the runway visual range (RVR) 1 is more than 550 metres. Should the RVR fall to between 300 and 550 metres, Changi Airport can continue to allow aircraft to land safely with more stringent measures. These include enforcing obstacle protection in areas around the runways to protect the integrity of the ILS signals. Secondary power supply for essential equipment, such as runway lights, will also be put on standby. There will also be greater separation between aircraft landings and take-offs. Some delays and disruptions to aircraft operations, including flight cancellations, could be expected.

In the event that the RVR falls below 300 metres, Changi Airport will not be able to accept aircraft landings for safety reasons. However, it will continue to operate and aircraft can continue to take-off safely, in accordance with each airline's policy.

CAAS and CAG are closely monitoring the situation and working with the airline and airport community. This includes preparing for lower visibility operations at Changi Airport should this be required. The safety of aircraft operations at Changi Airport remains top priority, and every effort will be made to minimise their disruption.
