Mayor plans #LondonUnited anniversary tribute

Mayor plans #LondonUnited anniversary tribute to Westminster, London Bridge, Finsbury Park and Parsons Green attacks    Plans follow consultation with families, survivors, the emergency services and local councils Focal point for remembrance and messages of solidarity and hope at City Hall All Londoners invited to contribute using #LondonUnited   Sadiq Khan has today announced plans to mark the anniversaries of the four terrorist attacks in London last year.   After consultation with 14 bereaved families, survivors, the emergency services and local councils, the Mayor of London has released details of plans to provide a focal point for Londoners at City Hall and bring the city together in an act of solidarity through #LondonUnited. The phrase will also be projected on to the Houses of Parliament, London Bridge, Finsbury Park Mosque and Parsons Green Tube station on the anniversaries of the attacks.    A 3D installation of #LondonUnited will be located at City Hall where the public will be able to pay their respects. The public will be able to sign a digital book of hope, and interact with the installation by sending messages of strength, hope and resilience using #LondonUnited on social media, which will then be projected onto a map of London that #LondonUnited will stand on.    The space will open on the anniversary of the first attack in Westminster on 22 March and remain open to the public until the anniversary of the Finsbury Park attack on 19 June. Later in the year “London United” exhibitions will be organised to highlight London’s resilience and hope, shine a light on London’s heroes and the bravery of our emergency services, and demonstrate how Londoners unite together at times of adversity.   The plans have been agreed following consultation with the families who have lost loved ones, survivors, the Met police and emergency services, and the local authorities in the areas affected.    Many families, friends and communities have their own private arrangements in place to reflect and remember their lost loved ones, and it is important that these plans are respected. The plans at City Hall are intended to complement, without intruding on, the individual private commemorative activities of bereaved families.   The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “Londoners will never forget the horrific terror attacks on our city in 2017. We will never forget the bravery of our emergency services and first responders who ran towards danger while urging the rest of us to run to safety. And we will never forget the courage of PC Keith Palmer who paid the ultimate sacrifice whilst protecting Parliament.    “These were not only attacks on our city and our country, but on the very heart of our democracy and the values we cherish most – freedom, justice and tolerance.   “We know that families, friends and communities have their own private arrangements in place to mark this tragic anniversary, and our plans here at City Hall are intended to complement, without intruding on, individual private commemorations.   “I hope these arrangements will help people to come together and remember those who were killed and injured, to show solidarity and support for their families and friends and the people whose lives have been affected by these tragic attacks.   “As we enter this period of remembrance and reflection, we stand together as Londoners, united against terrorism and in hope for the future.”   Terry O’Hara, Manager of the Survivors Assistance Network at the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Peace Foundation said: “Memorials are important, both for those affected by such attacks but also for those who want to show their support and compassion for them. The Mayor of London’s plans for this period of anniversaries provide a valuable opportunity to reflect on the impact of these terrible attacks on the bereaved, the seriously injured and also those affected in other ways and make sure that the best possible support is provided for all. The Foundation welcomes the Mayor’s call for everyone to stand together against terrorism and shares his hope for  the future.”   Cllr Peter John, Leader of Southwark Council, said: “The attacks in London Bridge and Borough on 3 June last year left a lasting impact on the people of Southwark, and we will be remembering all those who lost their lives and were harmed by the attacks on that date locally. But the horrific events of last spring and summer were not an attack on London Bridge or Westminster or any other one place, but an attack on our great city, and the London way of life. We stood united then in the face of terror, and it is right that we do so again, both to remember everyone who was harmed last year, and to also look forward with confidence as one city, strong and united.”   Toufik Kacimi, Muslim Welfare House CEO, said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those affected by all of last year""s terror attacks, especially with the family of Makram Ali who was murdered in Finsbury park. These senseless horrific actions wanted to divide our communities. The Muslim Welfare House stands alongside all of London, untied against hate"   The Mayor’s Office are also reminding Londoners that if they were affected in any way by a terrorist attack last year, emotional and practical support is available for them. Sometimes it’s not easy to recognise when you might need some help but different kinds of support are available, including peer support networks, advice on talking to children, and practical assistance. It’s never too late to seek advice. Support can be found by visiting: or calling 0808 168 9111.   ENDS
