London""s people, heritage & cultural treasures to help boost learning

• Mayor launches London Curriculum with special quiz at the Museum of London • Part of ongoing drive to raise attainment for schoolchildren across the capital   The Mayor of London Boris Johnson has outlined details of the London Curriculum, which puts the city itself at the heart of learning in the capital, ahead of a speech he is giving at the Education Reform Summit this evening.   The Mayor is committed to driving up standards in education and raising attainment for London""s schoolchildren, regardless of background and where they live.   The London Curriculum is one of several initiatives that have been introduced following recommendations that came out of his education inquiry. Initially comprising 15 modules, covering English, art, music, geography and history, the London Curriculum uses the city to bring to life the new key stage 3 National Curriculum in an exciting and innovative way.   The capital is the home of key figures in history, epoch defining events and innovations, leading institutions and great works and the new programme, which will be available to schools from September 2014, maximises the potential of the city""s rich heritage and unrivalled cultural assets to inspire teachers and students alike.   The aim is to deepen subject knowledge, as a result of learning about historical and contemporary figures associated with London and direct experience of its museums, galleries, historic sites and other cultural assets.   The Mayor said: ""Only a decade ago, education in London was lagging behind the rest of the country, with lower GCSE pass rates and sharp differences in results depending on a child""s background. Now, it is leading the pack for educational reforms and improving results. Raising attainment in the classroom is a top priority in our efforts to ensure that London and Londoners are equipped to compete on a global stage. ""We found that too few children were aware of or had access to the rich treasure trove of learning that London has to offer. The London Curriculum will have an impact on core academic subjects, by turning the capital into a giant classroom and strengthening young Londoners"" knowledge of the people, places and events that have not only shaped our city, but also had an impact on the world stage.""   Helping to launch the London Curriculum at the Museum of London today, students from primary and secondary schools took part in the finals of the London Knowledge Quiz.   Six schools competed in the University Challenge style competition, which was hosted by TV presenter Michael Absalom. Having successfully beaten off almost 200 other schools the finalists were hoping to secure the Mayor""s Award for London Knowledge.   The London Knowledge Quiz, organised by Team London in partnership with the museum and careers platform plot, has been devised as a fun, interactive competition for young people to demonstrate what they have learnt by using their city as a starting point.   Sharon Ament, Director of the Museum London, said: ""The London Curriculum is a fantastic way of using the capital city itself as inspiration for teaching a wide range of subjects in schools across London. From Roman Londinium to Shakespeare and the London 2012 Games, this city is steeped in a rich history that is visible all around us; if only we know where to look for it. Our mission is to inspire a passion for London. And it is our ambition to engage every school child here. I want kids to go home and start telling their parents and friends about the history of this city that they are a part of.""   The London Curriculum will initially offer fifteen teaching units supporting the new national curriculum for English, music, art and design, geography and history. It will be available from September 2014 to schools registered on the programme.   Schools wishing to find out more should go to Schools wanting to take part in the Knowledge Quiz 2015 can find out more at    Summary of the London Curriculum units  English • Tales of the river: the River Thames in writing, as a metaphor for writers’ hopes and fears and the city itself. Featured writers include Conrad, Dickens, Wilde, Selvon and Duffy. • Mysterious metropolis: from the Gothic novel to a modern day mystery: the darker side of the city and its literature. Authors include Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker and Siobhan Dowd. • The London limelight: exploring the stories and excitement of the London theatre scene. Art • Riverscape: the history of art through the paintings of artists drawn to the river. • The Art of Walking: exploring London’s iconic landmarks, architecture and public art. • London People: introducing portraiture through the stories of intriguing London artists and subjects. Music • Sounds of the city: introducing London’s musical heritage, from classical to grime. • Global city: The musical impact of London""s global and maritime history. • City on the move: Composition inspired by a journey across London. Geography • Mapping London: introducing the city through the medium of maps. • My London: the geography and identity of students"" own London neighbourhood. • Managing the urban environment: from transport to green spaces. History • World city: global trade links and migration to the city from the Romans to the present day. • Social reform in Victorian London: the impact of an influential group of Victorian reformers. • London at War: the impact of World War II on life in the city  Each London Curriculum unit is structured in three parts  • Discover: lesson plans and resources that use the city and its heritage to bring to life the subject""s core concepts • Explore: the chance for students to extend their learning out in the city, through its museums, galleries, theatres and institutions, its architecture, parks and river banks • Connect: suggestions for a final project that draws on students’ new knowledge and skills gained in the classroom and around the city  Each London Curriculum unit supports cross-curricular learning The London Curriculum has been designed to enable teaching in one subject to support learning in another. Cross-curricular links are suggested in all the subjects. 
