New affordable artists’ studios unveiled

85 new affordable artists’ studios open in Deptford in partnership with Lewisham Council Studios form key part of Mayor’s Creative Enterprise Zone in Deptford and New Cross which will support and grow creative sector in Lewisham Goldsmiths, University of London announces new Enterprise Hub in the zone to create new jobs and support local businesses, funded by the Mayor’s Good Growth Fund   One of London’s largest purpose-built affordable artists’ studios opened today in Deptford, providing an important boost for the capital’s creative industries.   As part of one of the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s Creative Enterprise Zones, the Deptford Foundry in Lewisham has opened with 85 new affordable studios and workspaces for more than 100 artists and creative businesses.   The creative community in London is central to the city’s success, with the creative sector generating £52bn for London every year and being responsible for one in six jobs in the capital.   The new studios form a crucial part of the plans for one of the Mayor’s six Creative Enterprise Zones, SHAPESLewisham. This zone for Deptford and New Cross, is delivered in partnership with Lewisham Council. This ground-breaking new initiative, one of Sadiq’s key manifesto priorities, is helping creatives to put down roots and establish themselves in local areas, supporting the zones to attract new artists and to develop skills in local people.   Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries, Justine Simons, was today joined by Cllr Joe Dromey and Cllr André Bourne from Lewisham Council at the launch of the new zone and the opening of the studios in Deptford. Local visual artists demonstrated how the new facilities would support local creative talent, and showcased the other performing and digital artists who would be supported by the zone, SHAPESLewisham. The arts organisation, Second Floor Studios & Arts, acquired the 250 year lease for the building and built the 85 artists’ studios which will all be rented at affordable rates.   A third of these studios have been taken up by local Lewisham residents demonstrating the Creative Enterprise Zones focus on the local community. The new affordable workspaces will be home to a range of artistic disciplines, from fine art to pottery and photography. To help bring residents and the creativity community together, the artists and businesses in the studios will give an hour of volunteering time each month to support charitable and community projects in the borough.   The studios open on the day that Goldsmiths, University of London, announced a new Enterprise Hub which will support local entrepreneurs and students to develop their creative business ideas. The new Enterprise Hub will provide access to affordable workspaces for up to 100 local businesses and create 80 new jobs. A terrace of shops on New Cross Road will be refurbished into the new hub which will provide training and advice to local entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on supporting entrepreneurs from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.   The opening of The Deptford Foundry and the new plans for the Goldsmiths Enterprise Hub are part of the borough’s ambitious plans for SHAPESLewisham. The Creative Enterprise Zone for Deptford and New Cross aims to retain creative talent from the borough’s education institutions and to increase affordable spaces for the fast-growing creative sector. SHAPESLewisham will also see the launch of a new online platform for local creative businesses to grow their networks, and access jobs and training opportunities. The creation of the new studios has been supported by £660,000 from the Mayor’s Strategic Investment Fund, and the Enterprise Hub has been awarded £1m from the Mayor’s Good Growth Fund.   Sadiq announced his six new Creative Enterprise Zones in December last year. They will see the creation of more than 3,500 jobs and more than 1,000 new training opportunities for local residents, along with more than 40,000 square meters of new affordable workspace in the capital.     Justine Simons OBE, Deputy Mayor for Culture and the Creative Industries, said: “I am delighted to see the brand new affordable studios open in Deptford – this is a major milestone in delivering the Mayor’s first-ever Creative Enterprise Zones and creating vital affordable workspaces in the capital.   “London is overflowing with talent and imagination, and its creativity makes the capital a place where people want to live, work and visit. The influence of our artists is felt in every corner of the city, but artists and creative businesses are under threat from rising rents, development and the uncertainty of Brexit. It is more important than ever that we support the creative sector and send a clear signal that London is open to creativity, talent and innovation.”   Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham, said: “The opening of the Deptford Foundry is fantastic news for Lewisham. Deptford and New Cross have a vibrant and unique identity thanks to the diverse range of artists and creative enterprises that have made their home here, so providing affordable workspace for over 100 of them will mean they can thrive and inspire others.   “I am delighted the Mayor of London chose Deptford and New Cross as one of the capital’s first Creative Enterprise Zones. Along with funding from the Good Growth Fund and Strategic Investment Pot to support the new Goldsmiths enterprise hub, it will boost Lewisham’s creative reputation regionally, nationally and internationally.”   Professor David Oswell, Pro-Warden Research and Enterprise at Goldsmiths, University of London said: “The new Enterprise Hub at Goldsmiths will offer access to flexible workspace for up to 100 local businesses and provide help and advice to hundreds more. Additionally, it aims to create 80 new jobs.   “The service will draw on our research expertise and strong links to the creative industries to nurture innovative ideas generated in the Lewisham area and help them to grow into successful new businesses and social enterprise projects.”   Ope Odueyunggba, photographer, said: “As a freelance photographer based in New Cross I think the Creative Enterprise Zones is a great opportunity for local artists to have a space they can be comfortable in, have a sense of security and is close to home. This is just as important for creatives like myself who work with global brands and companies as well as those that work with local community groups.”   Nichole Herbert Wood, CEO, Second Floor Studios said: “Deptford Foundry has been a three year journey for Second Floor Studio & Arts but what’s most crucial, after over 20 years of delivering affordable studio space for artists in the capital is that the project of 85 purpose built spaces sets a cornerstone of future direction for the next 20 years, rooted in perpetuity. A strategy that’s underpinned by the core aim of creating long-term security of tenure and sustainability of studio workspace for our members.  “Artists have long been part of Deptford’s thriving, creative and diverse community. Second Floor Studio & Arts Deptford Foundry continues that tradition safeguarding the provision of affordable workspace for artists’, makers and creatives now and for the next 6 generations to come.” Anthony Bowne, Principal, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, said: “Trinity Laban is delighted to be a partner organisation of SHAPESLewisham Creative Enterprise Zone and part of the launch event for Second Floor Studios and Arts & Deptford Foundry.   “As London’s Creative Conservatoire, our work engages our local community – reaching 10,000 young people and 40,000 overall with music and dance programmes - as well as putting Deptford on the map nationally and internationally with our world-class training and facilities and RIBA award-winning Faculty of Dance building. We applaud this recognition of all the creativity energy and enterprise in Deptford and New Cross, and the growth it will continue to bring to the area.”
