Transcript: Mayor de Blasio Releases Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2019

April 26, 2018Mayor  Bill de Blasio: Good  afternoon, everybody. Got a lot to go over today, but let me start with some  gratitude to all of the folks from the administration who have worked for these  last few months to prepare this executive budget. It""s an immense amount of  work goes into it, and really want to give them their due credit. I want to  thank our First Deputy Mayor Dean Fuleihan, our Deputy Mayors Alicia Glen,  Herminia Palacio, Phil Thompson, and Laura Anglin. Chief of Staff Emma Wolfe,  Chief Policy Advisor Dom Williams, Intergovernmental Director Jon Paul Lupo,  Senior Advisor Andrea Hagelgans. Of course, our OMB Director Melanie Hartzog,  you""ll be hearing from her in a little bit, and all of the staff of the OMB.  They do not get the credit they deserve, but they do absolutely amazing work  and I depend on them every single day. I want to express my appreciation.Also  as per usual, we have had a very good, and collegial, and productive set of  discussions with the City Council. I want to thank Speaker Corey Johnson and  Finance Chair Danny Dromm – all the Council members, all the finance staff for  a continued positive partnership.I  want to begin at the beginning, what I said to all of you on Inauguration Day.  The goal that we bring to this entire second term, the next four years, is to  make New York City the fairest big city in America. It is an organizing  principle. It""s what we talk about as the idea that has to run through all of  our decisions and our investments. So, you will see as I lay out this budget  how that idea, that strategy has played out. We ask ourselves a simple  question, is what we""re going to do something that will make New York City  fairer? And that""s where we put our energy and our resources.It""s  a four-year vision ahead. We""re going to try and be consistent over the next  four years. But we are building what we are doing based on what the previous  four years showed us. And it showed us that a lot can get done and can get done  quickly. Obviously, we are also the safest big city in America. And we proved  that neighborhood policing is the strategy that got us there. Bringing police  and community together works, we want to deepen that. We proved that we could  keep more and more New Yorkers in the neighborhoods they come from and that  they helped to build and make great. We""re going to deepen our affordable  housing efforts. We proved that we could make real progress in breaking the  stigma associated with mental health and get more people the treatment and  support they need. We""re going to deepen that. Clearly when it comes to  education, the Equity and Excellence agenda has already begun to take hold.  We""re going to be going a lot farther with it, and specifically with early-childhood  education, building upon the success of pre-K and now fostering in the age of  3-K.That  is a simple connection to what we did in the first four years, to what we""re  going to be doing, going forward. 

All of the things we""ve done and all the  things we hope to do revolve around a simple principle, and I evoke it a lot,  that progressives need to be fiscally responsible. We look back in our history  of this city to some good hearted people who made some bad choices and made it  hard for this city to achieve what it needed to going forward. We have been  adamant that we have to achieve progressive change through a fiscally  responsible paradigm. And that whatever we do, all the things we do have to  ensure that people have equal opportunity and equal possibility regardless of  zip code. So, this is how all of these pieces come together in this budget.Now,  I want to start by talking about the economy, very briefly, but it""s important  for perspective and we""re proud of where the economy of this city stands right  now. A lot of reasons for it – what we do here at the City level is one of a  number of reasons, but it""s an important part of the equation. Having a much  safer city deeply affects the course of our economy, certainly effects  businesses decision. Having a better school system, equally. Having a better  social fabric, equally. There""s a lot we""ve done here that I think has  contributed to a lot of what you will see in these numbers, and certainly most  obviously our economic development efforts, our targeted investments in  supporting different segments of our economy so they""ll be stronger and we""ll  have a more diverse economy and more jobs. We""re seeing some real results and  you""ll also see how it""s becoming more of a five-borough economy, which has  been one of our goals from the very beginning.So  the top-line numbers here, starting with the population, which is the essence  of all things. We are now officially past 8.6 million for the first time in our  history. We talked about different projections last time, now they""re actually  starting to come true. We are over 8.6 million, we could hit 9 million as soon  as 2030, which is really an astounding idea and one we""re going to have to do a  lot of work to prepare for. An important additional economic indicator, tourism  – despite some fears that there would be a drop off, we haven""t seen it.  Another record for tourists visits last year, over 62 million.Now,  the next piece is profoundly important because this is the essence of the  economy, the jobs that New Yorkers depend on. And we now have set a record and  I""ve very, very proud of this. We actually have two records I""m going to  discuss. This is four year mayoral terms going back to 1954, and here you see  the final judgment on the first term in terms of jobs created, almost 428,000.  To Alicia and her whole team, that""s a number you should be very proud of. But  more jobs created in the last four years than any four year period in this  city""s history or certainly that we know of going back to the early 1950s.So  that is a record, but the other record which this contributes to is crucial. We  are, as of today, at 4.49 million jobs in New York City. 4.49 million, the  highest we""ve ever been. We""ve got a very big milestone coming up and that""s  certainly one we""re going to be celebrating when we get there.Now  I mentioned the five-borough dynamic, and this one is so important – this  slide. So, record unemployment and what we""re seeing here – I just want to  note, look how close these all come together, you""ve got – make sure I get them  right here, Queens and Manhattan at the very lowest. Queens actually lower  unemployment by a little than Manhattan. Brooklyn and Staten Island – almost  exactly the same. But look at how evenly grouped all of them – this is a really  good and powerful thing for this city, the five-borough economy. Low  unemployment in four of the five boroughs. The Bronx, which has had history of  fighting a lot of inequality, a lot of unfairness still a ways to go to close  that gap, but I want to note – look where the Bronx was in 2013, over 12  percent unemployment – now, down just around six percent. They""ve cut  unemployment in half in a matter of five years. That""s something everyone in  the Bronx should be very, very proud of. And we""ve been happy to play a role in  that as well.So,  the big picture of our city economy, we are very, very pleased with where we  stand. This is a good, strong situation. We""re not going to forget to be  vigilant because things can change and they can change quickly, but right now  we""re in a very strong and balanced place. When we put together this budget we  wanted to make sure we could protect this strength, protect the City""s  strategic position, protect the progress we""ve made. So, the budget we""re  unveiling today will do that and the executive budget total for Fiscal ""19 –  $89.06 billion.Now,  I want to talk about some good news and some bad news as part of this budget  process. I""ll start in fact with three pieces of good news. The first has to do  with savings. We""ve talked a lot about savings in the last budget presentations  the last few years. At the time of the preliminary a few months ago, we  promised at least half a billion in new savings. I am proud to say, and thanks  to OMB, we have done much more than that. We have added an additional  quarter-billion more. So, the savings program that has been achieved is $754  million, combining savings in Fiscal ""18 and Fiscal ""19. So, $754 million in  new savings since February –That  has been achieved through a variety of tools. Those include the partial hiring  freeze that we announced last year, and that also includes hiring delays in  accruals. I want to emphasize that that partial hiring freeze will remain in  effect. Also vacancy reductions have been a part of this, and Mel will  certainly be happy to go into any detail if you""re interested in those. Again,  also emphasizing we""ll take a number of questions now, there will be a  technical briefing later as well.Overall, since the adopted budget last June the total  savings that have been achieved is $2.1 billion. That""s in less than a year –  $2.1 billion in new savings. And the health care savings that we focused on a  lot the few years continues – $1.3 billion in savings this year. That will be a  continuing number, that $1.3 billion. We intend to add to that substantially  and that""s a major part of our labor negotiations that are happening now.Now, the second piece of good news is maintained historic  levels of reserves. So, this is repeat of what you saw last year – a billion in  the general reserve spread over four years, $250 million continuing in the  capital stabilization reserve – this is to support our capital spending – and  the retiree health benefit trust fund now up at $4.25 billion. So, this is a  repeat of last year. We think it""s a very strong level of reserves.And the third piece of good news is on the revenue side,  but it comes with an asterisk. We had some substantial new revenue come in, in  the last few months. That""s good but the trick here is a lot of it is one-time  only. About $600 million we believe that we have received recently we will not  see again. We""re very, very happy to have it, but we""re not assuming it for  future years. Why? Tax law changes that had a particular effect in combination  with the law passed in 2008 on repatriation.Again, my colleagues can go into greater detail and then  the next two are interrelated – the stock market gains in 2017 were unusual and  very positive but very unusual and obviously the bonuses that came off of that,  we do not assume that kind of high level of stock market activity necessarily  continues.So, the money is being put to good use but as we plan for  the following fiscal year we are not assuming that $600 million of it will  continue.Now, on the bad news front, we had a bad year in Albany –  in fact, the worst year since 2011. And 2011 was a different administration,  but 2011 also, to be fair to the State government, we were all of us just  coming off the Great Recession. So, this is cautionary that we saw this many  cuts and cost shifts this year in Albany – about $530 million in hits. That is,  to put it in perspective, about 25 percent of all new City spending in this  budget. It""s because of the need to compensate for cuts and cost shifts that  came out of the Albany budget. So, about one in four dollars new in this budget  is to compensate for those actions in Albany.Let me go over some of them with you. So, the $530  million, that""s just for Fiscal ""19. The Subway Action Plan, obviously – this  is the expense side, there""s also a capital element. The school aid shortfall –  I think a lot of observers were really surprised by this. 

We expected – and  everyone is a mature adult here – in an election year, we expected Albany to go  farther on school aid. We were very surprised they did not.On Raise the Age – you know when this was passed last  year, I applauded it, a lot of us applauded it. We warned that it should not be  an unfunded mandate. This is the kind of thing the State paid for, for years  and years – 16 and 17 year olds who are in the justice system. When it got  passed we said this was great reform, this is progress, please make sure it""s  not a unfunded mandate. Guess what ended up happening. It""s an unfunded mandate  – $108 million for Fiscal ""19. That number will go up in later years.And then Close to Home, which is again an initiative in  the previous administration with the State. It""s a very good initiative. I  believe in it. But we do not believe it was ever meant to be done without any  State support. Unfortunately the State has walked away from it. Again, that""s  25 percent of the impact we""ve seen in this budget in terms of new City  spending.We have also a very big issue which is the impact of the  State executive order related to NYCHA. The more we and other analysts have  looked at that executive order, the more we see a very challenging and  potentially dangerous element of it in terms of our budget. There""s some very  open-ended language in the executive order which could result in the City  having to occur a substantial additional cost that do not go through our budget  process, that the Council doesn""t get to vote on, that I as Mayor have no  control over, nor does the city Comptroller.We are concerned that that creates a very problematic  precedent and in addition could have many unforeseen consequences for next  year""s budget. We are going to work to have that modified. We""re going to work  in the spirit of cooperation hoping for that.But that is an X-factor in this budget dynamic. We do not  know the full ramification of that executive order because no one knows the  full ramifications of that executive order and we have to address that and make  sure we do not end up with yet another unfunded mandate from Albany.Now, I want to say on the other side of the ledger in  Albany there were some substantial cuts that were proposed and were beaten  back. I want to thank in particular Speaker Heastie and the members of the  Assembly that played a leading role in this, a lot of advocates and community  leaders as well.$340 million more would have been cut but for avoiding  unfunded mandates related to charter schools and cuts to child welfare services  and special education. And then there were two just vast proposals of potential  limitless danger to New York City. And I want to give a lot of people credit in  the business community, the labor community, civic community who banded  together against this. The attempt by the State to raid our property tax  revenue through the "value capture proposal" and the attempt to force all MTA  capital expenses to be paid by the City of New York.Both in my view were outrageous overreaches, to the  credit of a number of legislators in Albany and to the credit of a number of  other leaders in this city who stepped up, both of those were beaten back  fully.Now, let""s turn to Washington. Look, one could say for  sure that what has happened with our federal government is not necessarily what  we expected on November 7th, 2016. It""s a true statement. The negative impact  on New York City has been much less than expected.I want to put it in perspective. That being said anyone  who thinks that we know what""s coming next has not been watching the news  recently because we can only expected the unexpected. And there are some very  distinct realities we do now know for sure.And the most important one relates to infrastructure. I  want to remind people because you know the federal context shifts not weekly,  not daily, but hourly nowadays, and we""re all a little thrown by that.I want to remind people, during his presidential campaign  then-candidate Trump called for a "national rebuilding" and he said – this is a  quote, everyone remembers – "I will be asking the Congress to approve legislation  that produces a $1 trillion investment in the infrastructure of the United  States." Had that happened the impact on New York City could have been  extraordinary because the biggest city in the country with some of the oldest  infrastructure and one of the economic centers of the entire nation – we could  have benefited a lot and it could have reduced some of our exposure in the  things that we have to pay for.Unfortunately, at this moment, I think it is a consensus  sadly in Washington, there is no longer any talk of an infrastructure plan. It  is literally off the table for 2018 and it may not be coming back and the  number one reason is that the money that would have supported an infrastructure  plan was given away in the Republican tax legislation – biggest giveaway in  decades to the wealthy and corporations. That money, of course it blew up the  deficit as well, but that money would have the basis for an infrastructure  plan. It is gone. It""s not coming back right away. One day it might but certainly  not right away.That has real ramifications for us. That""s relief we""re  not going to get. So, I""m happy that the situation in Washington is better than  we thought. There were even a few instances of progress in the budget  reconciliation. Although, again, those appear to be one-shots. We""re going to  be hopeful for the future but the infrastructure piece is unfortunately a real  challenge for us.Finally, on the national front, I just want to talk about  one economic fact and it continues to confound us. I want to be very clear  upfront, there""s no projection we have from OMB that suggests any negative turn  in the economy. We were comparing notes with the City Council earlier. They  feel the same way. No one sees storm clouds on the horizon. We talked to the Comptroller.  Everyone""s aligned that we think this recently good economy continues for a  period of time.But here""s what no one can make sense of – second longest  economic expansion in modern history in this country, it""s in its 106th month,  and the average expansion since World War II has been 60 months. So, it""s  almost twice the average expansion. When does it end? It can""t go on forever.  When it ends, we are going to have serious consequences here in the city. We  don""t see it right now. We do see, of course, wild fluctuations in the stock  market of late.  What that could mean, no one can quite tell.So, in summarizing all the external factors – the  economic reality, Washington, Albany, etcetera the good outweigh the bad for  sure but not by a lot. And the Albany piece is a particular concern for today  and also for what it means for our future.We, as a result though, of what is still a net positive  situation, we did not need to draw off our reserves, something we very much  wanted to avoid. We did not have to cut major programs. We were able to keep  investing in this vision of fairness.But I""ll leave this section with a reminder of a  cautionary point I made. The last time Albany took this big a bite out of New  York City was 2011. Really, we need to make sure it does not happen again.Now, I want to turn to some of the things we were able to  invest in. Again, these investments this year are more modest than in some  previous years but we think they""re still going to make a very big impact and I  want to start with our schools and the Equity and Excellence vision.Now, Chancellor Carranza is very focused on bringing this  vision to life in all of our schools and yesterday with the City Council we  announced a major element to complement our vision, which is the $125 million  we""ll add next fiscal year and that will be baselined thereafter to bring the  Fair Student Funding up to a 90 percent floor, a 93 percent citywide – excuse  me, yes, a 93 percent citywide average.That puts us in striking range of finishing this vision  once and for all and getting to the day where every school is at the 100 percent  level. We will need support from Albany to achieve that.This certainly shows that even when Albany steps back, we  step forward and I think we""ll encourage and incentive further investment from  Albany down the line.Again, reaching 850 schools, all boroughs, every school  district, and a wide range of potential uses whether it""s new teachers,  guidance counselors, technology, textbooks, arts programs, a whole host of  things depending on the school and what they need.Again, I give a lot of credit to the Council for pushing  for that. What we said yesterday, and there""s a lot of energy around this, is  we will not let the Campaign for Fiscal Equity decision be forgotten. We""re  going to keep fighting for it to be realized. There""s actually growing focus on  this issue even though it""s been a decade. This is still on the front burner  not just for New York City, for the upstate cities, for the rural areas as well  and we""re going to stay on it.Now, I""ve said many times and I don""t think it""s probably  been the centerpiece of a lot of people""s coverage and focus but I really want  to emphasize it. One of the most important pieces of Equity and Excellence is  getting our kids"" reading on grade level by third grade – very strong consensus  in the educational community that this is one of the breakpoints. A kid who  reads on grade level by third grade it predicts tremendously future academic  success. A child who doesn""t reach that level is in danger of not succeeding  going forward. We""ve got to set this as our baseline as a city. We have a long  way to go. We are making substantial investments to keep deepening what we""ve  already put in place.This is one of the things the Chancellor and I talked  about the most when we were in the interview process and to achieve it, it is  very much about helping our teachers be effective at addressing the needs of  kids at this age and really honing in on what each child needs to get to full  literacy.We will be providing those trainers, those teachers who  teach the other teachers and help them to perfect this work in every elementary  school in the city. The investment we""re putting into the ""19 budget, $30.5  million, focuses very particular also on the kids who have the greatest need –  kids in shelter, who we""re going to be doing additional after school reading  programs for; English-language learners and kids with special needs, who we are  just as adamant about helping to get on grade level reading by third grade but  they will need extra support; and to make sure that schools, again, that have  had the toughest time historically have more personnel focused on literacy –  more literacy coaches in those schools. So, we""ll be doing that as well.I  want to turn to public safety. It""s been an area of great, great strength for  this city. We should all be proud of the fact that we""re safer than we""ve been  at any time since the 1950""s. We want to go deeper. Neighborhood policing is  the way. Healing the wounds and the disconnect between police and community is  the way forward. That animates all of our efforts. At the same time, as  everyone knows, we""ve got to deal with some threats that go far beyond  traditional crime. Obviously, we are the number-one terror target in the United  States, and one of the big investments on the capital side – $103 million  to install permanent barriers, bollards, granite blocks, concrete blocks at  well-trafficked, central areas all over the City. This is being coordinated and  prioritized by the NYPD""s Counter Terrorism initiative. And we know this will  protect a huge number of New Yorkers and our visitors every single day. This is  a crucial physical element to add on top of everything we""re doing right now  – intelligence gathering and all of the other efforts we""ve put into  fighting terror.But  just as we""re getting deeper and deeper into that effort, we have not a new  threat, but a growing threat, which is the challenges related to  cyber-security. It""s been a sobering few months as we""ve seen more and more  public and private entities targeted successfully. We are very sobered by a  recent example when the National Health Service of the United Kingdom was  targeted and literally to the point where medical personnel could not access  patient""s records – people""s lives were at risk. This is the time we""re living  in. So, to focus only on "traditional terrorism" would be a huge mistake. We  have to focus on cyber-security. We have a cyber command in this city that""s  very robust. We""re adding to it, an investment of $41 million for Fiscal ""19.  The funding is very focused in terms of getting to the grassroots of this  government, if you will. This funding will allow us to ensure that every single  computer, every single device anywhere in the City government is upgraded to  have the latest protections in place. We need to do that. 

We need to shut off  lines of attack in a ubiquitous manner. All agencies will be under a single  mandate, and Cyber Command will have the ability to reach into any and all City  agencies equally.Another  important element, and I""m going back to the traditional safety in  neighborhoods in the fight against crime. NYPD has outdone themselves –  absolutely extraordinary. By the way, we""re only a quarter of the way into the  New Year, but, once again, a new record is being set for reducing major index  crime – shootings, murder, etcetera. We have real progress in 2018. I want to  note that another piece of the success in recent years has been the Cure  Violence movement, and we""re very, very pleased with what we see – having a  grassroots element that works parallel to the NYPD, but in a very respectful  manner – both sides. We""ve seen amazing reductions in violence and tremendous  efforts to keep young people away from a life that might bring them toward  violence. This is a small investment, but one we think is going to be very  helpful to help Cure Violence organizations to have a response unit, a vehicle  they can use as a command center when, for example, there""s been a shooting in  a community. Job-one is to make sure there is not a retaliatory shooting, and  the Cure Violence movement can play a crucial role if they can set up in that  community and provide that kind of support, obviously also helping people  overcome the trauma associated with the shooting. So, this is a small, but  important investment.I  want to talk about public housing – a lot of focus lately. That is a good  thing, we have to make up for what was many decades of disinvestment and  neglect of the 400,000 people who live in public housing. The overall impact of  this administration""s new investments – not mandated, not previously  authorized, but since we came in – $2.1 billion in new capital dollars flowing  into NYCHA, $1.6 billion in new expense dollars. For Fiscal ""19, that means a  commitment of $423 million in capital dollars, $232 million in expense. That""s  things that – some of them you""ve heard previously – in the capital side, the  money for the new efforts to address the heating situation, the previous  commitments around fixing roofs. You""ve seen some of them, some of you were  with me at Queensbridge Houses to see that work – the facades in buildings and  making them safe, lighting to make communities safer, a whole host of expenses  covered by these investments for Fiscal ""19.Almost  done now, I want to talk about a specific thing we""re doing this year and next,  which is zeroing in on a certain type of repairs at NYCHA. One of the things  that has worked was reprogramming a lot of money into repairs. And you""ll  remember, one of the very first things we announced was no longer requiring NYCHA  to pay for policing, which, again, I don""t know how that ever was required. But  we took that obligation off NYCHA. The money was earmarked for repairs. That  especially meant that a lot of the day-to-day repairs that the general staff,  maintenance staff could do. But what we found was there were a lot of more  specialized repairs that were taking way too long. When we came into office,  the backlog was 70,000 apartments that needed repairs that required things like  a plumber, or a plasterer, or a carpenter – someone with specialized skills.  This investment over two years is $20 million – so, $10 million each year –  will allow us to complete a backlog of $50,000 cases – $50,000 apartments  waiting for these kind of specialized repairs will now get them with this  investment. So, that""s going to be tremendously helpful. And that is  emphasizing, these are not the emergency health and safety repairs. Emergency  health and safety repairs, the stipulating goal there is to address each of  them within 24 hours – very different type of reality than the ongoing  repair work that needs to be done.So,  I""ll just finish by saying – again, trying to bring what is in effect a simple  slogan to life. The goal – become the first big city in America. Think of it  this way, are we working toward fairness every day? Are people experiencing  more fairness in their lives? Do they feel this city is treating them the right  way? Do they feel they have opportunity? These are the measures we are trying  to hold and that animate our spending decisions.So  that""s the overview. I want to turn to our Budget Director Melanie Hartzog. I  will just do the quickest few lines to summarize in Spanish.[Mayor  de Blasio speaks in Spanish]A  good phrase that I will note again in English, this is a down payment on a more  fair future for New Yorkers.With  that, I turn to Melanie Hartzog with great appreciation for her work on her  first budget as Director. And I will make you taller. Take it away.Director  Melanie Hartzog, Office of Management and Budget: Thank you,  Mayor. Okay I""m going to quickly walk through a couple of slides here. Let""s  start off with the gap sheet. So as the Mayor said, the Fiscal ""19 executive  budget is $89.06 billion. FY ""18 and ""19 remain balanced. I want to note our  out year gaps. Fiscal ""20 we""re at $3.2 billion. Fiscal Year ""21 we""re at $2.86  billion. And in Fiscal Year ""22 we""re at $2.25 billion. And again, just  reiterating what the Mayor said, Albany has imposed more than $500 million in  budget cuts and cost shifts to the City in fiscal year 19. Should this continue  we""re concerned about what the impact will have on our out year gaps and our  reserves.In  terms of revenue changes we""re reflecting an increase in tax revenues, a yearly  growth rate of about 6.6 percent in 18 and 3.1 percent 19. The FY ""18 revision  is due to the growth of the personal income tax, about 14.4 percent. We don""t  see this carrying over to ""18. It is a windfall due to tax law changes and  other temporary factors, and I""m happy to go through that in detail with  everyone during the technical briefing.We""re  also revising tax revenues upwards in Fiscal Year ""20 and ""21 which reflects an  annual growth rate of about 3.8 percent. And there""s little changes for  non-property taxes in Fiscal Years ""20 through ""22. And only slight changes in  our non-tax revenues.In  terms of agency expenses, the executive budget reflects an increase of $537  million in ""18, and $946 in ""19. Savings, as the Mayor mentioned, $754 million  across ""18 and ""19, these savings exceed the goal that he set for us in the  executive budget – I""m sorry at the preliminary budget for the executive budget  of $500 million. And since adoption we""ve achieved over $2.1 billion in  savings.Finally  on this slide, the reserves, we""re adjusting the general reserve down in the  current year leaving a balance of $50 million, very typical at this time of  year for us to adjust down. And we""re using the ""18 adjustments to prepay  expenses of $1.068 billion for ""19.So  let""s go to the next slide. I""ll be really quick, just two things. This is the  City funds budget over the five year plan. Just want to point out City funds in  ""18 bottom-line there, you""ll see total expenditures, $63.27 billion. And in  ""19 it""s $65.026 billion. And also note our reserves in ""19 and out, you""ll see  the $1.25 billion spread across a general reserve and the capital stabilization  reserve.Finally  it""s our all-funds slide. Here, just pointing to the bottom line, here is total  budget, $88.67 billion in ""18 and for 19 $89.06 billion.One  more slide to go which is the capital plan. So the five year capital plan which  covers fiscal years 18 through 22 is $82 billion. This reflects an increase of  2.4 billion, roughly three percent over the preliminary capital plan. And as  you can see from the pie chart our largest capital commitment is to  infrastructure.And  again, I""ll be happy to take all of the technical questions that I""m sure  you""ll have on the revenue side at the briefing – the technical briefing for  the technical questions.Mayor: Very  clear. Okay. Alright. So, that is the overview. Let""s do some questions. Dave?Question: [Inaudible] here  in the beginning that you""re a progressive but you need to fiscally responsible.  And you said that some progressives in the past, maybe they made some mistakes.  Maybe these numbers, you can clarify them, but is the budget [inaudible] bigger  this year than last year, and do we have 4,000 more employees in the city than  we did last year, and is that –Mayor: The budget is  bigger. I""ll let Melanie do the exact numbers. The budget is bigger. We have  new employees and I think for a very good reason. But I would also note fewer  new employees than some of the other budgets. But it""s all for a strategic  reason.So,  I stand by that statement with passion. The – look, what happened in the past  was spending beyond means and not accounting for it, not having reserves, not  having savings plans. I understand it""s been perfectly obviously why people  have asked each year, you know, how is the budget growing, why is the budget  growing but I want to remind you of why I invoke that lesson from the past.  Because all of the things that need to be done to safeguard the future weren""t  being thought about. We have the highest reserves we""ve had in the history of  New York City and we have not been dipping into them.We  have a very clear commitment to accounting for everything we""re spending to  constantly improving our savings efforts. You""ve seen that with the health care  savings and the work with labor. You have seen that with the savings in the  agencies. We""re very focused on fair labor deals. We""re satisfied that the last  one was. We look forward to another one like it.That""s  all how, in my view, you""re fiscally responsible. But at the same time we""ve  got things we have to invest in to ensure the success. The success you saw laid  out, the low crime and the lots of jobs and all that, didn""t happen  accidentally. Some of that came from investment, obviously.And  the fact is we have to keep up with legitimate costs of making sure this  government can achieve that kind of success for New York City. We have to have  a framework for economic success and in fact a lot of times in life you invest  to get back an even greater return. And I think that""s what""s happening here.We  have a very strong tax base. We have a thriving economy. These investments I  think are helping to ensure that for the long term. So, that""s how I square the  pieces. Let me have Melanie jump in then if there""s a follow up let me know.  But on the exact change since adopted and on head count –Director  Hartzog:  So, the growth since the adopted budget condition is 4.5 percent and it""s  actually in line with prior years when we compare adopted to this point in time  of the executive budget process. They range from 3.3 to 4.7. And as the Mayor  said the largest areas of growth are already built into the budget – labor,  debt services, and other areas, and education.Question: [Inaudible]Director  Hartzog:  That is – yes.Question: [Inaudible] what  is it now?Director  Hartzog:  Sorry. It""s 3.82.Question: [Inaudible] than  last year?Director  Hartzog:  Yep, in comparing based on the adopted condition, correct. And headcount is  only up 1,700, roughly, positions.Question: [Inaudible]Director  Hartzog:  Yep, since adopt.Question: Sorry, that""s  from the November modifications to this executive budget –Mayor: Adopted – from  adopted until now. David, do you have a follow or not?Question: No, no, no.Mayor: You good, okay.  Courtney?Question: The Council had  been pushing for the Fair Fares. They""d also been pushing for a $400 million  property tax rebate and $500 million in additional reserves. What is the status  of those three initiatives?Mayor: Well, certainly  Speaker Johnson has spoken to me about them. The Council members – I met with a  number of Council members this afternoon. Several of them brought it up. Look,  we look to the Council""s budget response. We thought there were some things we  could address but a number of things were very substantial and we""d have to see  what was possible going forward.The  one that I think was obvious to us as something the Council cared a lot about,  something we believed was really strategically important, and was affordable  was the Fair Student Funding. But now we""re going to go into negotiation. As  everyone knows you got between six and eight weeks ahead, and we will talk  about each of those. We""re going to be really concerned about the price tag and  the impact on the future of each of those choices.But  we have not concluded anything on any of them yet.Question: For the last  couple of years, the City has been claiming savings from positions that aren""t  filled. Do you think it""s a little disingenuous to say this amount of money,  the City is saving, by not filling positions and why wouldn""t the City just  eliminate those positions to begin with?Mayor: So, I""ll start  and want to offer if Mel or Dean wants to jump in. No, I do not believe it""s  disingenuous and I""ll tell you why. Think about a budget in its essence. It""s a  plan, right. It""s a vision, road map for where you""re going to go. So you have  the position in the budget because you think it provides value. But that does  not mean you couldn""t necessarily afford to fill it today. You could say we""re  going to fill it down the road or sometimes there isn""t the right person to  fill it right away but that doesn""t mean it still doesn""t bring value later on.  Now, there are certainly times where you say for whatever reason either what  you see happening with the agency or your overall fiscal condition, you say  we""re cancelling it for good. But no, I think if you project spending and then  you don""t spend the money, that is savings by very definition.What  would be disingenuous would be if we said, oh there""s a bunch of stuff we don""t  want but we""re going to count it anyway. That""s not the case here. These are  things we think are valid important, should be filled but in certain cases  we""re deciding to change the timelines and the sequencing.Yeah,  please, let me –Director  Hartzog:  I just want to add in this plan we are taking down a thousand positions. The  headcount is coming down in Fiscal Year ""18 to the tune of $49 million.Question: [Inaudible] the  citywide savings plan like every time a new one comes out and most of the things  in there are from hiring delays, project delays. It just seems that you guys  are claiming a savings as something good when really you""re dragging your feet  on hiring people or doing projects. I just –Mayor: I just don""t – I  appreciate that""s what you think it""s just not what I think and I don""t think  it""s what OMB thinks. We, for example, on the capital side – we set a schedule,  and OMB is very rigorous on this, of what it""s going to take, the timeline it""s  going to take to build something.They  don""t set it, like, by throwing a dart at a dart board. They very meticulously  try and figure out with the agency what""s a realistic timeline and they push  agencies on the fastest they can do but they don""t want sugar-coated, they want  the honest truth of what something""s going to take.Guess  what, we""re human beings and what we find especially in construction is a lot  of times things take longer. And so you have to make adjustments. But on the  hiring piece, I really want to differentiate in your mind, when you decide a  position is not worth filling at all, it should come out and it does. But if  you decide a position is worth filling but you""re making a specific choice not  to fill it to save money for a period of time, yes that is a real savings.I""m  going to go on this side from back to front. Who""s in the back? Yes?Question: One of the big  things here is hits from Albany. The school aid shortfall, that""s the shortfall  from what you thought you were going to get –Mayor: Thought because  of what we had gotten previously. So it""s not, again – this is not a made up –Question: [Inaudible] cost  shift, I don""t –Mayor: It is in the  sense of we got a consistent pattern of funding and we bluntly again expected  it to go up and it went down. So, no, it is not – from our point of view, same  concept, and again you guys can be more refined in your language. From my point  of view, if you had seen money come in, in a certain fashion and you believed  it was going to stay consistent with that fashion and then you don""t get it,  yeah, that affects your ability to get things done.We  made very clear to everyone in Albany what a priority it was to focus on school  funding. By the way, so often it was folks in Albany saying put more into Fair  Student Funding and we said we will. If you give us money, we""re going to put  it right there. So it was honestly very surprising that the number came in as  low as it did.Question: And then on the  Raise the Age, was there ever a guarantee anywhere that that was going funded?  Or – how does that fit into a cut or cost shift?Mayor: Because it was  explicit in the legislation around Raise the Age last year that it was not  meant to be an unfunded mandate, that there was going to be an effort to ensure  fairness to all jurisdictions, not just New York City. I spoke to a number of  leaders in Albany about our concern that it was a great idea but that we were  very concerned it would turn into an unfunded mandate. I was given many  pleasant guarantees that they would take that concern seriously and then we  wake up and we have an unfunded mandate.So  from our point of view, by both everything that had been said previously and  noted including in the law itself, you can go back and see how it presents that  issue and all the conversations. It should not have been handled that way. And  unfortunately the sum impact is a greater expense for the city.Question: Mr. Mayor, you  talked about the Governor""s executive order regarding NYCHA. You referred to  that as an X-factor. So to be clear, that is not reflected in this budget? I  mean you could [inaudible] anyway, got nothing to do with the Governor. How is  the City bracing for that impact?Mayor: A number of  things going on. So, the first part of your question – no, it""s not reflected  because it""s literally an unknown figure. What""s reflected in the budget is our  commitment to NYCHA that we are guaranteeing and we have spent, four previous  years we""re going to continue to spend.We  don""t know – let""s start at the beginning – we don""t know if, how, when any  State money arrives. I want to remind everyone, there was a 2015 budget passed  by the legislature, signed by the Governor that gave NYCHA $100 million. Only  $50 million ever arrived. There was a 2017 budget, same thing, passed and  signed – $200 million, zero arrived. Zero.So,  since I""ve walked in the door, the sum total of support for NYCHA from the  State of New York is $50 million – five-zero million dollars – versus what I""ve  said. The City has done $1.6 billion in expense, $2.1 billion in capital.The  State has done $50 million in actual money. Forgive me if I""m a little cynical  about what happens next. So, we do not reflect anything we can""t guarantee nor  are we reflecting the potential unknown circumstances. We have in a variety of  ways including my conversations directly with the Governor, made clear that we  are asking for reconsideration on these issues.There""s  obviously been some media coverage lately of a number of other elected  officials growing increasingly concerned that this is a potentially huge  unfunded mandate. So there""s still time to resolve this and I am hopeful that  we""ll get to some resolution. Continue –Question: [Inaudible]  unfunded mandates and say we don""t unfunded mandates [inaudible]. Do you have  any reason to believe that this will not be just another unfunded mandate?Mayor: Yeah because  it""s different than anything that""s ever happened before in recent history. You  know, Dean has a particularly good perspective on State government history. But  I can say in all my years in public life I""ve never seen anything like this  executive order.We""ve  had State monitors, we""ve had federal monitors. They have very narrowly defined  roles and very specific purviews, and it""s been a very actually cooperative  process with State and federal monitors.We""ve  never seen this "emergency manager" model. We""ve never seen an open-ended  ability to draw on City money. I mean, everyone look at the executive order. If  you can find a parallel please tell me because I can""t.It  gives the State the potential limitless ability to draw on City money. It gives  the State the limitless ability to take from one part of NYCHA to another which  means day-to-day operations, everything I talked about – the repairs and making  the heat show up and all – could be drawn off for something else even if the  something else is good. It could undermine day-to-day operations.So,  we need to get this all clarified and I think that the sheer logic here really  does matter. I think more and more people are looking at it and saying, wait a  minute we got a lot of unintended consequences that are actually going to end  up hurting the residents and certainly affect the City bottom line very  negatively.So,  yeah, I do think there""s a good chance we could get some modification here.Question: Mr. Mayor, the  new budget adds close to $1.5 million in new agency expenses over Fiscal ""18  and ""19, and you talked about some of the new programs but I""m wondering if we  can get a better idea of what some of those costs are, some of the bigger  costs.Mayor: Yeah, I will do  the really big scale summary and then you guys feel free to jump in and you""ll  get a whole lot more in the technical briefing. So, what is driving the change  from adopted? Labor costs, first and foremost. So I want to remind everyone  because this is really important to understanding the big trajectory here –  when we came in at that zero point in labor relations, no one under contract,  it was not just from that point forward. It was also the back years that  mattered a lot.You  will remember a number of – including some of the largest unions – had multiple  years without a contract. Some of the very biggest went back to four, some went  to five and more. All of that had to be accounted for in the labor deal but we  stretched out the payments to make it more manageable. So in ""19 and finally in  ""20 all of those costs going back years and years and years get paid off. So  it""s the conclusion of that whole cycle of labor negotiations but it had to be  paid for, and we have a huge, huge workforce and we were starting from zero. So  that""s the number one driver.Question: Why  wouldn""t that – why wouldn""t that have been reflected in the latest budget –  that""s a known cost. That""s not a new cost you""ve learned of since then?Mayor: I""ll  let people speaker to how they put in into budgets, but I""m trying to – I""m  trying to – let fin – jump in but I want to finish on what the big drivers are  because I think it""s probably on a lot of people""s minds, what drove that  increase. But fin – speak to this just because I don""t want to lose this  question of how it shows in the budget.Director  Hartzog: No  this is just, I think, what you were saying that it""s actually reflected in  increases in the overall budget. The Mayor""s talking about what""s driving the  overall growth, right? In our budget overall, in 19, and it is those major  areas. Labor is a big piece of that, and it""s related to the settlement that  happened multiple years, as we""ve talked about. Many labor agreements were not  settled when we came into the administration. And the costs are right over time  – over the last couple fiscal years. That""s the biggest driver.Mayor: But  I think your question is – which I""m not sure I understand. I think it has been  reflected year after year. What are you suggesting?Question: Well  we""re talking about new costs since the –Director  Hartzog: What""s been added?Question: If  this from labor agreements signed years ago why is it only being reflected now.  You knew –Mayor: It""s  not –Director  Hartzog: Oh  it""s not reflected now. It""s reflected over multiple years.Mayor: Right.Director  Hartzog: And  those costs are increasing over multiple years as the percentages are  increasing, there""s lump sum payments for the teachers that are also included.  So those costs are increasing each year.Mayor: Yes. We""ll go  after this. It has been shown on a constant basis year after year including  projecting forward, although some of these expenses do go up for a variety of  reasons. But no, that""s the first one.And  then the debt service which is something that changes with new capital  commitments, so that does change year to year because we make additional  capital decisions, this is one I want to say, again this gets back to Dave""s  question, we made a conscious decision to lean into capital. Why? Because so  many of the challenges people were facing required capital spending: affordable  housings, obviously our plan is the biggest ever, new school seats, huge need  all over the city, repaving, desperate need in a lot of places. These were all  big, big capital expenses. As we added the debt service went up. That has an  expense side – a big expense side impact. That was an eyes wide open decision  that if that caused the budget to grow without our means that was worthwhile.Education  is another good example. Obviously there""s a lot more personnel. Its"" things  that are well-known like pre-K but it""s also things that are less well-known  like special education. We have added substantially to our special education  teaching corps and support staff. We""ve also done what I think is justice and  helped special education parents to get faster and fairer outcomes in terms of  what they needed for their kids that used to have to go to court to try and  fight for. The City, unfortunately in my view, forced parents into a dynamic  where they have to go to court and they often ended up with less than their kid  needed, and that was a way for the City to save money. I wish I could say it  was something more noble than that, but it wasn""t. We have come to the  conclusion that we should work with parents to try and get to a resolution,  rarely go to court. That costs more money, but I think it""s fair because kids  get the special education service they need and the parents don""t go through  much – through so much challenge and struggle to get to them.So,  when you go sort of through the categories, there is a logic to each increase.  It""s real money, but we do think it""s aligns to values and to what""s effective.  Go ahead.Question: So  –Mayor: No,  behind you. I""m sorry. I""ll come right to you.Question: Mr.  Mayor were there any conscious decisions to make a cost increase due to the  expected increases from Albany?Mayor: I""d  say two things. Remember that Albany resolved a few weeks ago. And again, we  are not – we did not expect some of these things in the sense of particularly  that education aid. A lot of you have watched the habits of Albany in an  election year, very surprising that they went the other way on education aid.  We – we""re not naïve be we though given that raised the age had been such a  high profile, passionate matter and that there""d been such an explicit  discussion about unfunded mandates that we would fare better.  The subway action plan is something very particular. I think everyone knows  what I felt about it. I think there was a better way, but what""s done is done.  Now we""re, as you know, going to hold the MTA accountable for that money and to  prove to us it""s in the lockbox and being used in New York City. So I think  what is true is we did not anticipate some of the outcomes in Albany. Others we  thought were possible but we weren""t sure, so we weren""t going to reflect that  in the preliminary. We certainly never – we never ever in a preliminary budget  want to project an outcome that we don""t desire. Because we don""t want to let  the State or the federal government or anyone off the hook. We want to fight  for the right outcome. So it""s worse than we expected, and it""s cautionary  about the future that we have to guard against that particularly next year.Question: And  also just given your relationship with the Governor, is it a little optimistic  to expect – regarding the NYCHA executive order that there is a chance for it  to resolve this in a –Mayor: I  understand that – I understand that on its face but I would ask you to look a  few layers down. Even though the Governor and I have disagreements we still  talk regularly. I talked to him earlier in the week. We still attempt to reason  together. And everyone – you know a lot of other people in both governments are  talking all the time. I don""t think he necessarily intended a massive unfunded  mandate on New York City. I think he – I certainly don""t think he intended to  interfere with day to day operations of NYCHA. We need to have that  conversation and work it through. But – because the last thing you""d want is to  have the State issue an executive order that backfires for the people it""s  supposed to serve. I certainly don""t think in the Governor""s interest or the  State""s interest to have NYCHA become more dysfunctional. That""s not what  they""re seeking. So it""s fair to say hey we""ve got some problems here we have  to resolve. The conversations have ben respectful. I also think the fact the  more and more people are speaking up is important. And there""s a lot of  attention on NYCHA, and this has been a period where a lot more of the public  debate is about NYCHA which it wasn""t for many years. So that raises the  consequence levels. Go ahead.Question: Staying  on the subject.Mayor: Yes.Question: Do  you see any chance of the City soon being able to get full, open-ended use of  design build? Not just a limited basis but –Mayor: It""s  a very important question. I will tell you that as strange as some of the  things that have happened in Albany this year have been, there is a silver  lining. I think you hit the nail on the head. We went from design build being  almost an off limits discussion just a year ago or being talked about in small  little increments to now it""s here for the BQE, it""s here for NYCHA, although  we want to clarify that, we want to make that more general and consistent for  NYCHA going forward. But still, there""s something going on.There""s  a lot more to do, but I think this has sort of been a crossover moment where  now design build is in the front burner and a lot of times this is how changes  gets made. Like there""s a first breakthrough and then you can build out.Look,  the whole fallacy that labor has a problem with it is ridiculous. The unions  here, including the Buildings Trades, have uniformly said in the city they  support it, they""ve made that very clear in Albany. So I""d like to believe  particularly if we have a Democratic State Senate, which is a growing  possibility, that next year will be the big year for breakthrough on design build.  And that will save this City billions and will shave years off of some major  projects.Yes?Question: On the NYCHA  backlog, it""s been an issue going back to the previous administration also, are  you – do you believe the $20 million you have in the budget is enough to deal  with it finally this time? And can you do it without changing union rules, or  are you guys planning to change union rules?Mayor: I""m going to give  you my best rendition, and if these guys want to add or if Alicia wants to send  hand signals from the bench – steal second, something like that. The – we  pegged the number to completing the backlog. And we believe this will get it  done.That  being said, we also want to change the work rules. And we think that""s in the  interest of the residents. So, I would say those are two separate concepts.  Under current conditions we believe this money will allow us to address the  backlog but we would like to improve the work rules too.Okay  coming forward. Okay way over. Oh wait, I got you before. Hold on. Okay,  Jillian.Question: Mayor,  can you walk us through some of the increases in spending for the Department of  Homeless Services. Sort of just – can you – I know there was budget  modifications for the current fiscal year –Mayor: Yes.Question: –  there was $150 million added in the preliminary budget. It looks like there""s a  significant add this year and in the out years. Can you walk us through –Mayor: Absolutely.Question: –  going and how much it is?Mayor: Yes, and by the  way on the previous did you want to add anything? We all square on the NYCHA  question? Okay. And I will start and you guys add as you wish. Okay. So let me  go back to the plan a year ago because this frames everything. We announced a  new approach to addressing homelessness. What""s happened since then is  somethings that tell us a lot about where we""re going. One, the shelter  population has remained essentially flat. That is the first time in about a  decade that that has happened. That is a hopeful sign. Our goal is to turn the  tide, as I""ve often said, this is a beginning of that. So that""s something we  feel is important.At  the same time – excuse me, at the same time the new approach required opening a  lot more sheltering. You remember its 90, we""re a little behind the schedule we  wanted but we""re not far behind. We think we""ll be able to catch up. That is a  substantial cost, and as with many other things the cost has grown. But it will  eventually help us save money, because as we build out that shelter capacity we  will leave hotels more and more. And hotels really have been driving a lot of  the cost increase.Another  factor has been the clusters which so many of you have rightfully criticized  for years. We""ve been closing more and more. That""s a really good thing in  terms of standard of living, but guess what? Clusters are cheaper than hotels.  So what""s essentially happening is people coming out of the clusters, going  into the hotels, that""s raising the cost level.Another  thing which we""re seeing and we""re not 100 percent sure why yet, in the last  year or so, more singles, more single adults coming into the system than we had  seen proportionately previously. Very simple math there. They""re essentially  going into hotels. If you have three or four people in a family in a hotel  room, you pay for one hotel room. If you have a single adult you pay for one  hotel room. So you could have four single adults, you""re paying for four hotel  rooms. It just literally has increased cost because of a different make-up of  the population.But  we think that the new plan is starting to take hold and that we will be able to  make some major efforts to convert cluster buildings. And we talked about this  – some of you were at the press conference related to eminent domain. We are  very hopeful that one way or another some of those buildings will be converted  to permanent affordable housing. Once there are permanent affordable housing  they are no longer shelter, that""s going to start to finally bring down our  shelter number. And those costs will start to go down. We believe that this may  – you know, we want to believe, based on what we""ve seen, this could be  the last major increase in investments, and after that we start to finally see  the reduction in shelter population and the reduction in cost.Question: Can we just get  a walkthrough of what the investment is?Mayor: Sure.Director  Hartzog:  Sure, just really quickly on the numbers – in ""18, it""s $155 million; in  ""19, it""s $189 million. And I can give you more details in the technical  briefing on that.Question: $189 million?Director  Hartzog:  I""m sorry, I flipped that – in ""19, it""s $159 –Mayor: Thank you.  Gloria?Question: Mayor, could you  just clarify for us on the savings. In February, you had said that you had a  goal – it was $900 million – you had a goal of finding an additional $500  million, and I see those $745 million –Mayor: 54 – $754 –Question: $754 – so, did  you fall short of that goal? And could you just –Mayor: No, I think  quite the opposite. Who wants it?Director  Hartzog:  The goal for the executive budget was a minimum of $500 million in savings. So,  that builds on top of what we had already achieved between adoption, up to the  preliminary budget. So, the Mayor said, between the preliminary and executive  budgets, at a minimum, achieving the $500 million of savings, and we""ve  actually achieved $754 million. So, it""s the reverse – we""ve actually achieved  more. And since adoption, it""s been about $2.1 billion total savings.Mayor: And just to put  a point on that – total savings, money not spent. I understood the point Anna  raised, but I still think from a taxpayer point of view, not spending money is  not spending money, so it""s money not spent.Question: [Inaudible] the  reserves are still – you""re not going with [inaudible] as the Council had –Mayor: No, and it""s,  again, a perfectly fair question, but I want to go back to what I just said,  because we have costs that have grown but that we think are legitimate – the  labor-related costs, the debt service cost, the homeless cost I just went over.  Look, I don""t think anyone in our lives or in any business ever has everything  stay exactly according to the original plan. We all know there""s going to be  cost increases in different things. The question is, are we comfortable that  they are appropriate and do we have revenue to back them? So, we are  comfortable – we wish these costs were lower, obviously, but we think we""re  appropriately spending on the things we are and that we have the money to pay  the bills, while keeping the reserves protected. There was a point earlier in  the year where we were fearful certain conditions might lead us to have to dip  into reserves. We""re very happy that did not happen.Go  ahead, Erin.Question: You had this  $500 million-plus hitch from Albany that you characterized. Can you explain a  little more where you got that money from? You said the reserves – you said you  did not dip in to the reserves, you did not make program cuts. So, is it all in  new revenue?Mayor: New revenue –Question: Or where is that  money from?Mayor: No, it""s new  revenue. And we have it now, and as I said in the beginning, some of it is  recurring, some of it is non-recurring, and we have to be very mindful of that  fact, and we""ll make year-to-year decisions accordingly. But yes, we got more  new revenue than we expected. OMB, to their great credit is very conservative  in their estimates, and they are not – they don""t get bad surprises because  they are conservative in their estimates. But also, a lot of it came together  late. The federal tax bill, obviously, was not that long ago, and the  ramifications of that had been playing out very recently, for example. The  stock market – that was a very recent dynamic – that growth – including toward  the end of the year. So, yeah, we got new revenue, we applied it, and we""re  going to be mindful about what it means and doesn""t mean, going forward.Question: So, you referred  to tax law changes – is that from the federal tax bill? And if so, how is that  – is that actually helping the City? It""s actually giving the City money?Mayor: So – yeah, the  technical briefing – you can get into it in detail. But if I had to do the  simple version, I would say, it""s not the federal tax bill giving us a direct  windfall because we accounted for that. Originally, we did not expect or want –  we might have expected, but we did not want that revenue to play out that way.  It is the combination of the federal tax legislation, and the effect of the  2008 repatriation legislation, which the former triggered the latter in a way  that a bunch of money was repatriated and there was revenue off of that. I""m  trying my best to break it down as cleanly as possibly. You want to add any  other definition? I know you""ll do it in the technical, but do you want to add  anything?Director  Hartzog:  So, there were two changes. The first was in 2008 in the Obama administration,  which was a repatriation for hedge fund managers. The second – and it had a  timeline of those funds having to be repatriated by 2017. The second is the  Trump tax policy that""s also related to repatriation – that had to be done as  well by 2017. Again, this is all money that was offshore, overseas coming back  into the states. And so, the combination of those two things having to be done  by 2017 is what the impact is – one-time windfall. That""s it, that""s what the  Mayor""s referring to.Mayor: Okay,  Marcia?Question: So, Mr. Mayor,  could you just go back to the Fair Fare and the request for a middle class  property tax rebate. The City Council Speaker says that if you""re committed to  making New Yorker City the fairest city in the nation, that you would want to  take into consideration the needs of the working poor, and also middle class  property owners. I wonder what your response is to him saying that?Mayor: I think it""s a  very fair definition and I respect Speaker Johnson a lot. We""re working very  closely and I think he""s raising a very fair point, but I would say a couple of  things. One, we""re trying to do that across everything. We just did the fair  student funding, that""s going to help students who are middle class, working  class, poor all over the city, and families all over the city – that""s one  example of becoming fairer. We have tried to address property tax needs, for  example, of senior, low-income folks previously, working with the legislature.  We""re going to, most importantly, go at the heart of the property tax problem  and have a commission, working closely with the Council to try and reform  fundamentally the property tax to be more fair for everyone. So, I would argue  the best way to address the property tax question is the fix the whole system.  Everyone loves a rebate, but it doesn""t fix the root cause, and most rebates  are pretty small and then you never see them again. We want to get at the root  cause.On  the Fair Fare, look, you know where I stand. I believe in the idea, I have said  constantly I don""t think it""s the City""s responsibility to pay for it, I think  it""s the MTA""s responsibility. I think the millionaire""s tax is the best way to  pay for everything the MTA needs. Now, a millionaire""s tax, as you have heard  me say is a different discussion today. If someone wanted to say it would never  happen under Republicans, well, we""re potentially months away from a change in  leadership. So – but that being said, we""re going to talk to the Council. It""s  a fair proposal, meaning it""s a legitimate, meaningful proposal and we""re going  to talk to them and try and figure out between now and adoption what we""ll  prioritize.Question: Mr. Mayor, I  know that you""ve said from the beginning when you first took office that you  weren""t going to do the usual budget dance that past mayors have done, that you  wanted to be straight and forward-moving, but it seems like you""re leaving the  door open in the ongoing negotiations with the Council to the possibility of  these two things. Would you say that""s fair? Or are you just closing the door  completely?Mayor: One, I""m not  losing doors. But here""s the difference between this and the reality of that  dance we talked about in the past. In the past, everyone knew exactly what was  going to happen and they just tried to act like they didn""t. I can say, looking  you right in the eye, we don""t know what the outcome is going to be. The  Council has a very long list of interests. By the way, if you look at their  response, it""s a very substantial list – a lot of good things, well beyond  what we could possibly afford. We""re going to have to think with them about  what makes sense – nothing is predetermined. So, I""ll talk to them about  anything, but I""ve got to feel it""s in the long-term interest of the City, I""ve  got to feel it""s fiscally responsible. We have to think about some of the  ramifications – if you do something on Fair Fare, what is the ramification for  our relationship with the MTA and the State, which has become, I think, a  little unfair lately. We""ve got to think about what it means. And I just want  to connect it to, you know, the controversy this week where Speaker Johnson and  I asked Chairman Lhota to simply provide an accounting of how our money is  being used, and we""re getting a kind of surly response. I don""t understand  that. We""re giving them money, we want to make sure it""s being used in New York  City, we want to make sure it""s in a lockbox, we want to make sure it""s  actually working. I would think the answer would be, thank you for your  donation and of course we will give you that kind of accountability. So, you""ll  understand that I want to be cautious about anything involving funding for the  MTA.Question: Mr. Mayor, are  you hoping that the Democrats – once the Democrats, or if the Democrats  take control of the Senate after November, that you might get the millionaire""s  tax, which would give you the funding for a Fair Fare, or something like that.  Are you holding out that possibility?Mayor: Absolutely.  Nothing""s been discussed or concluded, but do I think that""s a very real  possibility and needs to be considered? Absolutely. Look, everyone said things  were going to hinge on these two races on Tuesday. We""ll they broke the  Democrats away. I know there""s still the outstanding question around Senator  Felder, but we know that could change at any time – it""s one individual. And  then, there""s elections in November. We""re six months away from what looks like  a wave year. You and I have seen years that are wave years. This looks like a  wave year by any definition. So, let""s say you have a Democratic State Senate,  and now they""re looking at – they have to figure out a way to fund the MTA  long-term, they have to. There""s only a few options on the table. I would argue  a millionaire""s tax might be one of the ones that people consider the fairest  and has the most popular support. April, I think it was – Quinnipiac Poll had  70 percent-plus support. How many things do you know that have 70 percent  support in this town? So, I think it""s a live option. But that being said,  we""re going to have a very respectful conversation with the Council and we""re  going to certainly look at a number of options.We""ll  do a few more on the budget and then we will close down. Way back –Question: Mayor, in terms  of budget accountability, the Council called for [inaudible] appropriation.  Does this budget reflect those? Have you added more transparency for the budget  –Mayor: We""re going to  work with the Council. We have, over the years, been adding. We""re open to  adding more. That""s an ongoing discussion, which we""ve had again today with the  Council. Stay tuned.Yes,  Anna?Question: Would you  comfortable if by the time you""ve left office the budget cracked $100 billion?Mayor: I don""t do  hypotheticals. I would be comfortable only in this way with whatever transpires  – I want to leave the City better than I found it. I want to make sure we""re in  a fiscally strong position. And when it comes to reserves, I""ve cornered that  market already. You know, we have the highest reserves we""ve ever had. We""re  going to really protect our reserves. I want to make sure we""re safer, our  schools are better, our job growth continues. That""s what I""m going to measure  by. So, I""m not going to worry right now about a theoretical number, it""s about  the results.Question: Mayor, the one  in four figure is since adoption or since preliminary? And what is the total  dollar amount for new City spending?Mayor: It""s one in four  City – new City dollars, specifically.Question: Since prelim?Mayor: Since prelim –Question: And what""s the  total value – the $1.5 billion that the office said –Mayor: Well, the State  impact was just around half-a-billion, so the total we""re talking about is  about $2 billion. I did – I paid attention in math class.Go  ahead –Question: Mr. Mayor, I  didn""t mention anything – I didn""t hear anything mentioned about the BQX in the  budget. I believe you had said that we would have an update on that by this  point. So, is that in there? Is it further delayed?Mayor: So, I""m going to  use my favorite phrase, soon, which always means something. It""s coming soon.  We""re doing a lot of work on it. I""m excited about what is happening and we""re  going to have a big update for you, we just did not include it in this budget  right now.Last  one –Question: A couple of  these issues that you""re citing as stressful to the City budget – the MTA cost  shifts and the NYCHA executive order – top City officials, City-wide officials  have been in favor of those and perhaps helped convinced Governor Cuomo to do  both of them. Are you frustrated that the City hasn""t had a united front on  some of these issues that impact the City budget?Mayor: I think people  acted out of a genuine desire to address the problem and they really wanted the  State funding, and I certainly understand that, because we – I gave you the  figures, check them for yourself. We""ve essentially – for all intents and  purposes, we""ve gotten no State funding for the last four years. And I  understand why people see upwards of a half-billion dollars and they really  want to get their hands on it, that""s natural. And I understand people""s  frustrations with a situation that has been growing worse since Ronald Reagan  got elected. I think what""s happening now is a lot of people are reading the  fine print and they don""t like what they see. And the fine print comes with a  lot of ramifications they did not expect and they did not buy into and that  were not explained to them. One thing that unites all City leaders is we don""t  like unfunded mandates, and now we""re looking at one. So, I think people are  thinking again now, and they""re going to make their voices heard to get the  changes we need so it""s fairer to the City and to the residents of NYCHA.Thanks,  everyone.
