Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Unveil New 116th Precinct Stationhouse to Aid with Response Time and Jurisdiction Lines in Southeast Queens

July 17, 2017NEW YORK––Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City  Police Department today unveiled the site for the new 116th Precinct  located at 242-40 North Conduit Avenue in the Rosedale neighborhood  of Queens. The siting of the future 116th Precinct is a decades  in the making accomplishment, born out of calls from local communities to cut  down on response times and better allocate public safety resources across the  105th Precinct’s vast geography.“Thanks to the tireless efforts of the NYPD, New York City  is the safest big city in America. Every New York City neighborhood deserves  the same quality of service and safety we’ve come to expect from the NYPD. That  is why we are making unprecedented investments in establishing high-quality  precincts,” said Mayor de Blasio. “The future 116th  Precinct will help reduce current response times in Southeast Queens and expand  coverage throughout the community.”The 105th Precinct is  the fifth largest in the City, covering 12.43 square miles  and 354 miles of roadway in Southeast Queens. The new 116th Precinct  will assume over half of the 105th Precinct’s  territory. While the citywide average emergency response time is  approximately seven minutes, the 105th’s response time averages closer to nine  minutes. The addition of the 116th Precinct, which will be  located at the 105thPrecinct’s satellite building, will allow  officers to respond more quickly and maintain a significant police presence in  the southernmost part of the jurisdiction. Last March, the NYPD created a  satellite precinct to assist with its coverage and service in the 105th Precinct,  which included 18 new officers, two new sergeants and a 24-hour operation to  aid with the case loads and stretched jurisdictions.The NYPD will conduct an analysis to determine the  precinct’s eventual borders. The study will consider factors such as geography,  population, 911/311 calls, crime and quality of life issues with the goal of  increasing services while distributing workload as equitably as possible. In  connection with this analysis, stakeholders – including residents and elected  officials – will be consulted.Staffing levels and operating costs for the 116thPrecinct  will be determined as the process moves along, boundaries are determined,  designs are completed and construction gets underway."We are excited to be here in Queens as we announce the  site of the new 116 Precinct," said NYPD Commissioner James P. O""Neill. "This new investment will reduce response times and inevitably enable us  to even further reduce crime."   

Mayor de Blasio and Police Commissioner O’Neill also  announced that the City will invest $1.3 million to retrofit all 72  command vehicles following the death of Officer Miosotis Familia, who  tragically lost her life while on duty in the Bronx. The retrofits will be funded  by a combination of City Tax Levy funds and asset forfeiture funds. Following the tragic deaths of two NYPD officers in late  2014, the City allocated $6.8 million to outfit the NYPD’s 3,813 patrol cars  with bullet-resistant panels to protect the doors. To date 2,100 vehicles have  been installed with bullet-resistant door panels and the City is on track to  have bullet-resistant door panels installed in every patrol vehicle by end of  2017. After an initial bullet-resistant window pilot program, additional funding  of $10.4 million dollars was allocated for the installation of bullet-resistant  window inserts for patrol vehicles. The first 500 NYPD patrol car bullet-resistant  window insert installations are expected to be completed this month.Queens Borough President Melinda Katz said: "For  decades, the families of Rosedale, Laurelton, Brookville and Springfield  Gardens had long identified the need for a precinct closer to the neighborhoods  it protects and serves. The new 116th Precinct stationhouse will help fulfill  that need by improving response times and having a more proactive presence  within its jurisdiction. It will soon become a reality thanks to the  communities"" advocacy and the substantial investments by Mayor de Blasio, which  also include millions to better equip the NYPD with ballistic protection."Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said,  "Today""s announcement that the City has selected the site of the new NYPD  116th Precinct in Southeast Queens is indeed welcome news.  It will result  in greater efficiency, bring our police officers closer to the communities that  they are sworn to serve and better address community concerns.  I commend  Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner O""Neill for making it happen."Senator Leroy Comrie said, "The 116th Precinct  is the result of persistent, grassroots advocacy. As we continue the process of  finally establishing the 116th, my elected colleagues and I will work to ensure  that the needs of the Laurelton, Rosedale, and Brookville communities are met  by the city. I commend Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD for prioritizing this long  awaited project, and I thank Council Members Richards and Miller for their  tremendous efforts in the Council to bring us to this point.""After nearly four decades, the new 116th precinct is  one step closer to becoming reality. This precinct will reduce response times  and help keep the residents of the 29th Assembly District safe" said Assembly  Member Alicia Hyndman. "This was a team effort, I""d like to thank  Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Commissioner O’Neill, my colleagues in government and  mostly the civic leaders who fought long and hard to make this happen."“The entire community is excited about the opening 116th  Precinct,” said Assembly Member Clyde Vanel. 

“The Mayor has  long-recognized the local precinct’s response time and community’s need for  additional resources that is needed to ensure the safety in the area. The Mayor  promised us a new precinct, and now we have it!”“With an area of 12.7 miles, the officers of the 116thpatrol  one of the largest precincts in the city” said Assembly Member David Weprin.  “The new 116th Precinct Stationhouse will allow for faster response  times in our community while providing for safer conditions for our dedicated  NYPD officers. I applaud Mayor Bill de Blasio for his commitment to the public  safety of Southeast Queens.”"Today’s announcement marks a new chapter in the  history books for Southeast Queens," said Council Member Donovan  Richards. "For nearly 40 years, communities in the 105th precinct have  asked for a new precinct only to see their request fall on deaf ears. The new  116th precinct will help improve response times, and most importantly, ensure  that the quality of life in our neighborhoods, that we all fight so hard to  maintain, is both sustained and improved. I""d also like to commend Mayor de  Blasio and Commissioner O""Neill for their dedication to officer safety with a  critical investment in bulletproof vehicles."“I thank Mayor Bill de Blasio for bringing a new police  precinct to Eastern Queens,” said Council Member Barry S. Grodenchik.  “With today’s announcement, community and civic leaders are truly seeing  decades of advocacy come to fruition. I am so pleased to have collaborated with  my colleagues in government on this important accomplishment for public  safety.”Clive Williams, Chair of Queens Community Board 13 stated,  "Community activism for this precinct has been unrelenting for over 40  years. The approximately 150,000 residents of Rosedale, Laurelton and  Springfield Gardens, with few exceptions welcome the new 116th precinct. Small  businesses, especially retailers, will be happy for the increase sense of  security. Elected officials who have supported this project, should enjoy the  satisfaction of responding to the needs of their communities."Kim Lawton, President of Spring Jam Block Association said,  "The installation of the 116th precinct in the Springfield Gardens section  of Southeast Queens is a historical and monumental win for the community at  large. It was a long time coming, but we can assured a change is going to  come."Judy Rivera of Federated Blocks of Laurelton said,  "This is a community that believes the fight for the creation of the 116th  precinct is worth the effort, even when it takes 40 years. Thank you Mayor Bill  de Blasio, for I am thrilled to be live to see it."
