De Blasio Administration Releases 2017 Edition of AccessibleNYC Report at JetBlue Corporate Headquarters in Long Island City, Queens

July 19, 2017AccessibleNYC  addresses needs of New Yorkers with disabilities and includes NYC: ATWORK, the  City""s first-ever public-private partnership to connect more people with  disabilities to living wage jobs in high-growth industries across the five  boroughs NEW YORK – Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives Richard Buery and Mayor""s  Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) Commissioner Victor Calise today  released the 2017 edition of AccessibleNYC, New York City""s  comprehensive plan to improve quality of life for New Yorkers with  disabilities. The 2017 edition builds off of the inaugural report released by  Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2016 as an update on the status of increasing  accessibility throughout City agencies in the areas of: Transportation, Employment,  Housing, Access (to City services) and Education.It also sets forth new  initiatives, pilot programs, and projects for the coming year and beyond that  would positively affect the almost 1 million New Yorkers known to be living  with a disability."AccessibleNYC is helping  to ensure inclusion for 1 million New Yorkers when it comes to transportation,  housing, employment, education, and so much more," said Mayor Bill de Blasio.  "Through this initiative, the City is continuing to do everything it can to  improve the accessibility needs of our citizens – from repairing pedestrian  ramps to providing access to fair-paying jobs. We can""t wait to see how this  program evolves and thrives over the coming years.""This Administration""s  mission to help New Yorkers lead happy, healthy and productive lives applies to  everyone who calls New York City home – regardless of age, ethnicity, income,  and importantly, regardless of ability. The 2017 edition of AccessibleNYC  builds upon the ambitious and innovative ideas presented last year that  alleviate burden in areas that persistently challenge people with disabilities:  transportation, housing, employment and more," said Richard Buery, Deputy  Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives. "I am especially proud to announce  NYC: AT WORK, a brand new public-private partnership that will bring more  well-paid, career-track jobs to New Yorkers with disabilities. 

MOPD""s work  through AccessibleNYC is critical in achieving equity for everyone.""The AccessibleNYC 2016  report was an unprecedented undertaking: never in the history of New York City  government have so many City agencies worked together on a comprehensive report  to advance the interests of New Yorkers with disabilities", said Victor Calise,  Commissioner of the Mayor""s Office for People with Disabilities. "With the  Second Edition of AccessibleNYC we have made great strides ensuring that people  with disabilities can enjoy the opportunities and services available to other  New Yorkers including launching of NYC: ATWORK  initiative, publishing the  second edition of the Inclusive Design Guidelines, adopting legislation that  will improve accommodations for individuals who are hard of hearing and  improving website accessibility for city agencies. I am extremely proud to  issue Accessible NYC 2017 and thank Mayor de Blasio for his continued support  in ensuring that the ""D"" in Diversity stands for Disability".Among new employment  initiatives is NYC: ATWORK, a public-private partnership launched by MOPD in  April to provide unemployed or underemployed New Yorkers with disabilities  access to jobs, and build a sustainable pipeline of qualified talent in  high-growth industries. NYC: ATWORK is funded by the grants from the Poses  Family Foundation, Kessler Foundation, Institute for Career Development, and  New York State Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational  Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR). The program will be grant-funded for three years  before transitioning in-house at the NYC Department of Small Business Services.Through  MOPD, NYC: ATWORK is working with private-sector employers to increase  opportunities for workers with disabilities. JetBlue is a partner in NYC:  ATWORK and sponsors "Reaching Blue Heights," a project focusing on career  exploration for college students who have disabilities. Highlights from the 2017  ACCESSIBLENYC report include:TransportationAccess-A-Ride (AAR) – Enhancements to technology that will allow for  more accurate estimated arrival times, on-board traffic advisories and  rerouting capabilities. AAR also established designated pickup locations at  intersections where customers and vehicle operators have consistently missed  each other to minimize missed rides. Pedestrian Ramps – The City plans to invest a minimum of $660 million  through FY27 to upgrade pedestrian ramps throughout the City. Additionally, DOT  is funded with over $220 million over the same period to install pedestrian  ramps where they do not currently exist. Subway Accessibility – Through a combination of Federal, State, City and  other funding, the number of subway stations that are fully ADA accessible will  reach 100 by 2020.Wheelchair-accessible Vehicles – The NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission  (TLC) has issued a proposal that would put wheelchair accessible for-hire  vehicles (FHVs) in circulation and available for passengers who need them.  Specifically, the TLC is proposing all FHV bases dispatch 25% of their trips in  wheelchair accessible vehicles over the next four years. Hearings regarding the  proposal are slated for Fall 2017.HousingHousing Connect – MOPD worked with the NYC Department of Housing  Preservation and Development (HPD) to publish a guide in March 2017 that helps ensure people with disabilities receive the full  amount of rent subsidies they are entitled to. Rent Freeze and Disabled Homeowners"" Exemption – The Disability Rent  Increase Exemption (DRIE) and Disabled Homeowners"" Exemption (DHE) provide rent  freeze and tax exemption options to renters and homeowners with disabilities.  MOPD and the Department of Finance (DOF) are leading an aggressive campaign –  which includes a rent freeze outreach team within the Mayor""s Public Engagement  Unit, redesigned rent freeze applications and a renovated NYC Rent Freeze  Walk-in Center – to support the goal of enrolling 10,000 New Yorkers this year  into rent freeze and tax benefit programs.AccessDisability Service Facilitators – City agencies are required by Local  Law 27 to have full-time Disability Service Facilitator (DSF) positions. Over  the past year, DSFs were designated throughout various agencies, creating easy  access points for the public to obtain information, services, and assistance  concerning access within the agency for people with disabilities. A list of the  DSFs and their contact information can be found here.Arts and Culture – The NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) raised  more than $4 million in public and private support to spur efforts to cultivate  more inclusive workplaces including: more than $1 million from the City and The  Rockefeller Foundation to create the CUNY Cultural Corps to provide  career-building internship placements for students from underrepresented  groups; $2 million from the City""s Theater Subdistrict Council (TSC) to expand  opportunity in the theater workforce and train disabled artists in arts administration  careers; and $1 million for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion at  members of the Cultural  Institutions Group at DCLA. Emergency Planning and Preparedness – MOPD and the NYC Department of  Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) are working to launch a  text-to-911 service by early 2018 to allow people who are deaf, Hard-of-Hearing  and with speech disabilities to communicate with NYC""s 9-1-1 call takers for  the first time ever via text.
MOPD is also working with New York  City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and NYC Emergency  Management (NYCEM) to rebuild the NYC Advance Warning System website. The new  website, set to launch in the fall of 2017, is designed to disseminate  emergency information to agencies and organizations that serve people with  disabilities.HealthAccess to Health Care – Employees of the New York City Health +  Hospitals Corporation (H+H) participated in the research and writing of the Independent Care System (ICS) "blueprint" for  how the medical community can provide accessible primary care to people with  physical disabilities. EducationDOE Transition and College Access Centers – The New York City Department  of Education (DOE) Special Education Office is expanding support for students  with disabilities and their families as they move from pre-K to 12th grade, to  college, career, or other post-secondary options. The Special Education Office  will establish a Transition and College Access Center  (TCAC) in every borough over the next four years. The first two centers will  open in the fall of 2017 in Brooklyn and the Bronx"New York prides itself  as a place that is welcoming of all people, and we know that an inclusive city  must also be an accessible city," said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the NYC  Department of Small Business Services. "I am proud to support the Mayor""s  Office for People with Disabilities in their important work to make New York  City the most accessible city in the world.""I congratulate the  Mayor""s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) on the release of its second  annual AccessibleNYC report," said Darren Bloch, Executive Director  of the Mayor""s Fund to Advance NYC. 

"The Mayor""s Fund has been proud to  partner with MOPD on its critical efforts to increase employment accessibility  for New Yorkers with disabilities through NYC: AT WORK. This innovative  approach to better connect individuals with disabilities to critical career  opportunities has attracted the attention of both philanthropic and corporate  partners and we thank them for their ongoing interest and support in the  efforts.""When people with  disabilities, advocates, and legislators come together to make our city a more  accessible place to live, great things can happen for New York""s disability  community" said Assemblyman David Weprin.  "By studying and  recommending measures to relieve the challenges people with disabilities face  with transportation, housing, employment; AccessibleNYC will surely improve the  quality of life for New Yorkers with disabilities. I thank Mayor Bill de Blasio  and Commissioner of the Mayor""s Office for People with Disabilities Victor Calise  for their contained support of New York""s disability community.""New York City is a city  of inclusion for everyone," said Council Member Andrew Cohen. "With each  year and each report, we""ll be able to look at the progress we""ve made and  implement more programs to help any New Yorker living with a disability.""I  want to congratulate Commissioner Calise, the Mayor""s Office for People with  Disabilities, and all of its partners on the release of Accessible NYC 2017 and  the launch of NYC: ATWORK, which will help at least 1,500 New Yorkers with  disabilities secure living wage, career-track jobs.  NYC:ATWORK is exactly  the type of program we should be supporting – it""s a win for New Yorkers with  disabilities who have so much to contribute to our city and deserve a real shot  at economic independence. I look forward to this program""s success and growth  over the next few years," said Council Member Helen Rosenthal."Every  New Yorker deserves a quality, good paying job that can help them support  themselves and their families," said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez. "Through this high-quality public-private partnership, we""re ensuring New  Yorkers with disabilities are given an equal shot and employment. I commend  Commissioner Calise, Deputy Mayor Buery and the entire de Blasio Administration  for delivering on this important goal, in what will be a transformative program  for our city."
