Mayor de Blasio Announces City Secured More Affordable Housing in 2017 Than in Any Prior Year

January 16, 2018All-time  high: 24,536 affordable homes financed in 2017, nearly half for families living  on less than $43,000; number of homes in the City’s affordable housing lottery  doublesApply  for affordable housing, fight eviction or freeze your rent with 311 or at YORK—Mayor de Blasio today announced that his administration financed  more than 24,536 affordable homes last year, breaking an all-time record  previously set by former Mayor Ed Koch in 1989. Nearly half of those homes  – 48 percent – serve people making less than $33,400 per year, or $43,000 for a  family of three.The Mayor marked the milestone by joining 79 year-old Jasper Hurst  as he signed a lease for his affordable apartment at the brand new Cypress  Hills Senior Residences, where more than 50 tenants are moving in this month.  The building was part of a major wave of construction financed early in the de  Blasio administration that is now renting up. The City’s housing lottery posted  a record 5,300 affordable apartments in 2017, more than double the 2,500 posted  in 2014.To help New Yorkers access these new opportunities, the City is  increasing outreach, launching a new housing web portal today at, as  well as new ads to direct tenants to resources to help apply for affordable  housing, fight eviction, and freeze their rent.“Housing is the number one expense in New Yorkers’ lives. We’re  bringing that expense down by putting shovels in the ground, and putting keys  in tenants’ hands. There is more help than ever to fight eviction, freeze your  rent or find an affordable home – and we want New Yorkers to reach it,” said Mayor  Bill de Blasio.Released in October, the City’s updated Housing  New York 2.0 plan offers a suite of new programs,  partnerships, and strategies to help finance 300,000 affordable homes – 100,000  more than initially planned – so that more families and seniors can afford  their rent or buy their first home.The City has financed 87,557 affordable apartments in the past  four years. The total direct City investment under the Mayor’s housing plan so  far is $3.3 billion, and the total bond financing issued by the Housing  Development Corporation is over $6.2 billion. In 2017 alone, New York preserved  17,359 affordable apartments and financed 7,177 new homes. This represents a  direct City investment of $1.1 billion, leveraging more than $1.4 billion in  bonds. Affordable housing numbers are available here.“We have pushed this affordable housing engine to a new record,  and that is a testament to the City agencies, the non-profits and private  partners working together. These aren’t just numbers; they’re families. Today’s  announcement means thousands more families will be able to live in the greatest  city in the world, with real peace of mind,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing  and Economic Development Alicia Glen.“As Chair of the Assembly’s Housing Committee, I’ve been proud to  work in partnership with the de Blasio administration in preserving and  creating affordable housing at a rate that’s been never before seen in New York  City,” said Assembly Member Steven Cymbrowitz, Chair of the Assembly’s  Housing Committee. “The programs we have implemented have given hope and  security to so many families, individuals and seniors, and I look forward to  working with the city to continue this momentum in the coming year." “The importance of creating and securing more affordable housing  in New York City cannot be overstated. Today’s announcement makes clear this  administration’s commitment to doing just that. Continuing to advance the  comprehensive approach needed to effectively address the affordability crisis  here in New York City will require a sustained effort over many years. As Chair  of the City Council’s Housing & Buildings Committee, I look forward to  working with the administration, my colleagues in the Council, and various  other stakeholders over the course of the next four years to help make New York  City a more affordable place to call home,” said Council Member Robert E.  Cornegy, Chair of the Housing and Buildings Committee.    

“Our progress last year represents a high-water mark for  affordable housing production in New York City,” said Housing Preservation  and Development Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer.  “Not only did we  generate the most affordable housing in a single calendar year – a full half of  those homes will serve extremely and very low-income New Yorkers. The City""s  unprecedented investment created opportunities for seniors, homeless residents,  and first-time homeowners, as well as M/WBE firms across the five  boroughs.  We thank the Mayor and all our partners as we pick up the pace  even further through Housing New York 2.0 and work to ensure that all our  neighborhoods are thriving, inclusive places of opportunity.”“As we accelerate the pace of our affordable  housing production, this progress demonstrates the City’s willingness and  ability to deliver on its promises.  I am proud that the $1.4 billion in  bonds that HDC contributed last year resulted in greater affordability for New  Yorkers,” said Housing Development Corporation President Eric Enderlin. “As  we build on this momentum through Housing New York 2.0, we are grateful to  Mayor de Blasio and all our partners for their shared commitment to creating a  more equitable and affordable city for all.”“Affordable housing for seniors in New York City is the number one  priority.  As the need grows, the Administration’s aggressive and  compelling response of increasing the number of planned units of affordable  apartments is exactly the response that is needed,” said Department for the  Aging Commissioner Donna Corrado.“We have made unprecedented investments in tenant protection in  New York. These protections work when New Yorkers know about them and use  them,” said Regina Schwartz, Director of the Mayor""s Public Engagement Unit.  "The Mayor created the Tenant Support Unit to do proactive outreach  through door knocks and phone calls to make sure New Yorkers at risk of  eviction have individualized assistance to connect to a variety of city  services with ease in their community and in their own language.”“Technology has the power to make information and service accessible  to New Yorkers who need it most,” said Miguel Gamiño Jr., New York  City Chief Technology Officer. “New York City’s new Housing Portal is an  example of important work that is accomplished when the community voice leads  and our talented digital team partners with agencies to respond. This is how we  use digital tools to help make our City the fairest in America.”“Access to affordable housing is a fundamental human right and we  can never afford to rest in New York City where so many of our neighbors face  challenges securing safe, livable housing that meets their budget.  The  Mayor has made significant strides in this area and, while we must do more, I’m  pleased by the progress announced today.  This needs to be a priority at  all levels of government and I’ll continue working in Washington for more  federal funding for affordable housing, as well as promoting legislation to  protect tenants from landlord abuses,” said U.S. Representative Nydia M.  Velázquez."I commend Mayor de Blasio and his administration on staying  committed to building affordable housing for New York City families. I look  forward to the housing that will be built throughout the city, including in my  neighborhood of East New York where we worked together to secure 3,000 units of  affordable housing through the East New York Neighborhood Plan,” said Council  Member Rafael Espinal.More Help Reaching New Yorkers: 148,000 New Yorkers live in apartments that have had long-term  affordable rents protected through the City’s preservation programs  since 2014.180,000 New Yorkers have benefited from free legal services  provided through City programs to stop eviction, harassment  or displacement since 2014. Evictions are down 24 percent.60,000 seniors are now enrolled in the SCRIE rent freeze program, up  from 50,800 in 2015, and more than 13,300 New Yorkers with disabilities are  enrolled in the DRIE rent freeze program, compared to 9,100 two years ago.The Mayor’s Public Engagement Unit has proactively made over  280,000 door knocks and phone calls to New Yorkers to make sure  they know their rights and are helped through repairs, legal services and  rental assistance enrollment.5,300 affordable apartments hit the City’s Housing Connect lottery  in 2017, double the number four years ago.The City has made it easier to apply for an affordable apartment by  letting users search Housing Connect lotteries by borough, income level, and household  size. The City’s Housing Connect guides offer guidance  throughout the application process and are available in up to 17 languages. 

The  City launched the Ready  to Rent program that pairs free financial counseling with application  assistance for New Yorker’s seeking affordable housing.HPD’s M/WBE  Build Up Program spurred 42 projects with 6,890 affordable  homes in 2017. They are expected to generate over $177 million in  spending. In addition, HPD financed 52 projects, with 8,774 affordable homes,  that require developers to participation in City’s HireNYC.139 City-owned sites have been put to use in  projects that will generate 9,500 affordable homes.“At a time when the federal government is clearly pulling back and  threatening to cut resources, we need to think creatively about finding new  programs and solutions for creating and preserving affordable housing. The  Administration’s housing plan is putting that into practice and engaging both  the public and private sectors to address an affordability crisis that affects  households at nearly every income level. We look forward to continuing our work  with HPD to make New York more affordable,” said Rafael E. Cestero,  President and CEO of the Community Preservation Corporation.  “The monumental achievements of Mayor de Blasio and his administration have  proven that when New Yorkers work together, we can turn the tide against a  housing crisis that some had thought to be insurmountable,” said Jolie  Milstein, President and CEO of the New York State Association for Affordable  Housing (NYSAFAH). “As our city continues to build and preserve affordable  housing at a faster rate than ever before, each family’s success story is a  reminder that this work must not end until every New Yorker has a safe and  affordable home.”“The pace at which the Administration has worked on affordable  housing over the past 12 months is truly impressive. And just as important is  the commitment they have shown to building with the details that create the  greatest benefit for the local community; working with  community-controlled mission-driven developers, pushing for deeper levels of  affordability, and the new policy that ensures permanent affordability on  city-owned land. These new affordable unit numbers are also a moment to note  the equally impressive steps the Administration has taken over the past year to  create new anti-displacement protections for private tenants. The new laws creating  a Right to Council, a Certificate of No Harassment Program, and protections for  tenants facing construction as harassment are all farsighted steps to help  tenants protect themselves against displacement. This will all make a big  difference for our neighborhoods, now and in the long-run,” said Benjamin  Dulchin, Executive Director, Association for Neighborhood and Housing  Development.To get  help finding an affordable home, freezing your rent or fighting eviction, call  311 or visit
