De Blasio Administration Unveils Plan to Improve Capital Project Delivery at the Department of Design and Construction

January 24, 2019NEW  YORK—The  de Blasio Administration announced a comprehensive plan to improve capital  project delivery at the Department of Design and Construction, the City’s  leading construction management agency. This plan will decrease construction  costs and project timelines to deliver projects faster and within budget,  making more efficient use of City resources and delivering essential public  works projects faster for New Yorkers in neighborhoods across the city.“We are overhauling operations in order to deliver City capital  projects more efficiently and within budget. This plan will ensure critical  infrastructure projects are finished faster and with less disruption to our  neighborhoods,” said Mayor de Blasio.“In just 100 days, the DDC team was able  to lay out a comprehensive plan to address challenges and prepare for future  projects. Lorraine’s experience at the School Construction Authority was  invaluable in guiding this blueprint for action,” said Deputy Mayor Laura  Anglin.  “This bold interagency plan will streamline processes so  that municipal projects can be built faster and better for all New Yorkers.” “DDC is an essential part of the City,  adding new infrastructure and public buildings in every neighborhood, and it  plays an important role in addressing the challenges posed by growth and  climate change,” said DDC Commissioner Lorraine Grillo. “The vast  majority of DDC’s projects are completed on time and on budget, but delays are  too common and we can address them. Our Strategic Blueprint gives us the tools  to be better project planners and managers, to get more out of the outside  services we pay for and better negotiate the City’s highly structured capital  budget process and regulatory environment.” A  Strategic Blueprint for Construction Excellence addresses issues  in early project stages that can undermine a project’s success and provides  flexibility to work around the most common causes of project delays. The plan  provides more incentives for contractors to meet ambitious construction  schedules while also allowing for better evaluation of contractor performance.  It also invests in DDC staff, giving project managers the tools and  decision-making capability to be more nimble and responsive.Strategies  outlined in the plan include:Modernize  Procurement – The procurement of services can take more than nine months, and some projects  go through multiple procurement cycles. DDC will work with the Mayor’s Office  of Contract Services to delegate more independent authority to DDC, propose  rule changes to the Procurement Policy Board, and expand the efficient use of  contractor pre-qualified lists. DDC will also create a new Business Development  Unit to create more opportunities for M/WBE firms.Use  Innovative Project Delivery Methods – The agency will continue to advocate  for the expanded use of  effective tools like the Design-Build method of  contracting, while exploring alternative project delivery methods such as  CM-Build, CM-at-Risk and insurance reforms with the State Legislature.Streamline  Change Order Approval and Payment – Change orders, project modifications  that occur during construction from changed conditions, can delay projects for  months while payment for the changes is processed. The City will streamline  processing by creating allowances in project budgets for common project delays  to give DDC the ability to pay contractors as soon as change order work starts,  a benefit that will reduce project costs and particularly aid smaller and M/WBE  contractors who work with the city.Get  Projects Approved and Started Faster – DDC will improve its internal business  process to move projects through preliminary review more quickly, and  coordinate with OMB to advance project review and shorten the time to get a  Certificate to Proceed, the critical approval that allows work to start on a  project.Plan  Projects Better and Minimize Mid-Stream Scope Changes – More than half  of DDC’s projects are delayed by late-stage modifications. DDC will enhance its  innovative Front End Planning units and work with sponsor agencies to establish  realistic project scopes and budgets before work begins.Work  With Utilities More Effectively – Interference with utilities under City  streets is a leading cause of delays to infrastructure projects. DDC is working  to establish early, regular coordination with utility companies so that  schedules are clear and delays avoided. DDC will expand the use of joint  bidding when utility work and City work can be performed simultaneously,  eliminating months of potential disruptions and saving valuable time.Empower  DDC Project Managers – DDC project managers have extensive responsibilities to  ensure projects are built on time and on budget. DDC will provide managers with  better training and more support to ensure professional development around the  most innovative project delivery and management methods.Become  More Active Community Partners – DDC will take a more proactive approach  to community outreach and communication with project stakeholders, and expand  the use of borough-specific liaisons to better manage public concerns.Transform  Information Technology – DDC will upgrade aging systems and create new tools  to better manage projects including new mobile technology that gives staff  access to project management information in the field. DDC will work with MOCS  to integrate new systems with its PASSport payment system – ensuring speedy electronic  payments to vendors.

A  Strategic Blueprint for Construction Excellence can be viewed and  downloaded here.“Leadership  is the everything. Leadership improves. Leadership creates. Leadership  inspires. Leadership innovates. Leaderships changes the culture. Leadership  takes you from ""dysfunction"" to efficient and successful. This strategic plan  is the latest evidence of the new leadership at DDC. It was badly needed and is  most welcomed. I look forward to the agency continuing to improve because the  projects it undertakes impact the lives of Staten Islanders," said Staten  Island Borough President Jimmy Oddo.“Streamlining  the process. More efficient use of City capital funds. Modernizing internal  systems. Reducing the amount of time New Yorkers wait for essential public  works. Lorraine Grillo. These are some of my favorite things,” said Council  Member Justin Brannan. “As Chair of the Council’s Committee on Contracts, I  take jurisdiction over New York City’s procurement policies very seriously.  Often, something as simple as getting one side of the building to talk to the  other side of the building can be a herculean task. To successfully navigate a  bureaucratic safari, your scythe must be sharp. This DDC Strategic Plan is  giant leap in the right direction.”"I  am pleased to see that the DDC is looking at how they can improve service  delivery, including speedier implementation of construction projects,"  said Council Member Daniel Dromm, Chair of the Committee on Finance.  "New  Yorkers rely on the DDC to beautify our communities and to make them safe and  accessible.  I am happy to see that the Department takes this charge  seriously.  I remain committed to working with Commissioner Lorraine  Grillo and the rest of DDC""s leadership to move this effort forward."“I  applaud Commissioner Lorraine Grillo of the NYC Department of Design and  Construction (DDC) on her announcement of a comprehensive plan to improve the  delivery of capital projects at DDC, which oversees construction management for  over 20 city agencies. As the Chair of the Subcommittee on Capital Budget, it  is exactly these efforts that we are striving for at the City Council and NYC  as a whole. Reforming out antiquated capital process is long overdue and this  is a firm step forward in those efforts. I thank DDC and Commissioner Grillo on  leading these changes and look forward to many more improvements to come,” said Council Member Vanessa Gibson“New  York’s construction boom is still going strong, and with increases in public  sector spending across the board, DDC’s strategic blueprint is welcome news to  the building community,” said Carlo A. Scissura, President and CEO, New York  Building Congress. “This plan will streamline the project delivery process,  making it faster and more efficient, and provide real benefits across the five  boroughs. The Building Congress commends Commissioner Lorraine Grillo and the  de Blasio administration for this forward-thinking blueprint and we look  forward to working them to build the future of New York.”Elizabeth  Velez, Chair of DDC’s External Advisory Board, and President of the Velez  Organization said, “The strategic blueprint creates a pathway that strengthens not only DDC,  but the construction industry as whole by streamlining operations, and  increasing competition by maximizing procurement opportunities, a win-win for  New York City.”“Commissioner  Grillo""s proposals, if driven down through the project management ranks, will  radically change the way things get built in New York City,” said GCA  Executive Director, Denise Richardson.  "GCA Members are always  ready to build smarter, faster and less expensively. These initiatives will  help us achieve those goals for the benefit of New York taxpayers."“This  is a much-needed step to improve the performance of the City’s capital project  system, and to make the schedule of important projects more predictable and  more reliable,” said Louis Coletti, President and CEO, Building Trades  Employers’ Association. “We’re happy to work with Commissioner Grillo as  she implements the plan and we look forward to the benefits the plan will  bring.”“This  is such a refreshing attempt to make a key part of New York City’s government  bureaucracy more efficient. The plan has enormous potential to reduce the time  and cost of city-managed construction projects, which for too long have been  out of control. I commend DDC for these reforms, and I urge all of the agency’s  partners in government to get behind their plan,” said Jonathan Bowles,  Executive Director of the Center for an Urban Future.“On  behalf of the professional engineering community, the American Council of  Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC New York) believes that the DDC""s plan  to improve procurement, streamline processes and reduce delivery time is  beneficial for the City, the public and design professionals.  We look  forward to our continued partnership with DDC to support quality design and to  make this vision a reality,” said Jay Simson, President & CEO, ACEC New  York.Executive  Director of AIANY Center for Architecture Benjamin Prosky said, “We are pleased  to hear about DDC""s efforts under Commissioner Grillo to improve procurement  practices, reduce costs, and expedite construction. We hope these changes  will  encourage more architects to work with DDC, under better conditions  that will foster design excellence in NYC facilities for their clients, the  public."

"The  Strategic Plan correctly focuses on addressing the procurement rules  and procedural delays that cause public projects to take too long to  complete. Given the size of the City""s capital budget and the importance of  infrastructure to the City""s competitiveness, we look forward to DDC  establishing and publishing metrics to show how these important reforms  are working to accelerate project timelines and reduce costs," said Andrew  Rein, President of the Citizens Budget Commission.The  plan was created in conjunction with the Office of Deputy Mayor for Operations  Laura Anglin, and includes input from elected officials, construction industry  groups, sponsor agencies, local utilities and entities charged with oversight  of DDC and the City capital budget, including the Office of Management and  Budget, the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services and the Office of the  Comptroller.DDC  is organized around two main construction divisions. Its Infrastructure  Division works mostly with the NYC Department of Transportation and NYC  Department of Environmental Protection to upgrade and expand streets and water  and sewer systems. The Infrastructure Division also builds public plazas and  oversees the City’s large coastal protection programs such as East Side Coastal  Resiliency. The Public Buildings Division works with agencies and non-profits  funded by the City to renovate and create structures such as firehouses, police  precincts, marine transfer stations, community health centers, courthouses,  libraries, homeless shelters, museums and theaters.The  agency employs over 1,300 people, and since it was created in 1996 has  completed more than 4,000 capital projects valued at over $20 billion. DDC’s  capital commitments have more than doubled in the last ten years as its  responsibilities have grown, to more than $2 billion in Fiscal Year 2018.
