Mayor de Blasio Signs Animal Rights Legislation Into Law

November 25, 2019Package of  legislation builds on the Administration""s commitment to the welfare and humane  treatment of animalsNEW  YORK—Mayor  Bill de Blasio today signed a new package of legislation into law to protect  and promote animal welfare, ensuring a more humane City for all New Yorkers.The bills support the welfare of dogs, horses, and  birds, specifically, as well as the wellbeing of all animals. In addition to  establishing an Office of Animal Welfare, increasing animal cruelty reporting,  and promoting animal shelter adoptions and kennel cough vaccinations, the  animal welfare package prevents the trafficking of wild birds, bans the sale of  foie gras, and improves working conditions for carriage horses."I""m  proud to sign this legislation that further solidifies our commitment to the  humane and fair treatment of animals across our city," said Mayor Bill de  Blasio. "I look forward to continuing our work with elected officials and  communities to protect animals and build on New York City""s leadership in  animal rights."This  legislation builds on the de Blasio Administration""s commitment to  preserving and promoting animal rights. The City is the first in the nation to  appoint a designated animal rights liaison within a City""s government to work  with animal advocates and implement humane policies that impact animals.  Notable accomplishments include the City""s ‘Meatless Mondays"" program. After a  successful pilot initiative launched in 2018, all 1800 of the City""s public  schools serve vegetarian meals on Mondays.The  administration has also invested $98 million in the development and renovation  of full-service animal shelters in all five boroughs—making them the first  administration in the City""s history to do so—and has achieved record shelter  placement rates at their municipal shelters run by Animal Care Centers of  NYC.Through  its work with the City Council and other stakeholders, the City has  strengthened regulations and protections surrounding animal welfare. In 2017,  the City banned the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses. In partnership  with the ASPCA, the City established the NYPD Animal Cruelty Investigation  Squad to exclusively investigate animal abuse and neglect cases, and implemented  the Animal Abuse Registry. Other legislative achievements include a ban on  sale of rabbits, as well as the sales of dogs and cats from puppy or  kitten mills, and legislation requiring pet shops to only sell spayed or  neutered dogs.Through  Int. 1478-A, the Administration will establish an Office of Animal Welfare,  headed by a Director appointed by the Mayor. The Office will advise and assist  the Mayor in interagency coordination and cooperation related to animal welfare  administration, regulation, management, and programs.The  package of bills signed today also include, Intro 870-A, which requires  animal shelters operated by New York City to post photographs of adoptable  animals within three days. Intro 1202-A prohibits the trafficking of wild  birds, including pigeons. Intro 1378-A prohibits restaurants and  stores from selling foie-gras. Int. 1425-A prohibits carriage horses  from being worked in certain heat conditions. Through Int. 1498-A the NYPD will  now be required to publish semi-annual public reports on complaints and  investigations of animal cruelty allegations. Int. 1570-A requires that dogs  entering kennels are in compliance with the New York City Health Code and are  vaccinated for kennel cough."Today  is one small step for man and one giant leap for our four-legged friends.  Indeed, it has been said that the moral progress of a society can be judged by  how its animals are treated," said Council Member Justin Brannan. "That  is why, in a truly humane city, animals cannot be an afterthought. By establishing  this office -- the first of its kind in the nation –New York will lead the way  as a city that not only cares about, but prioritizes animal welfare.""Bordetella  bacteria is one of the most common causes of  "kennel cough" in dogs and  cats and can pose serious, if not deadly, complications for our favorite pets,"  and City Council Health Committee Chair Mark Levine. "This disease is  highly contagious and often poses a justification for euthanasia in dogs and  cats who contract it. This bill will ensure that when dogs and cats use  kennels, grooming businesses, or other pet-oriented establishments they will  not be in danger of contracting or transmitting this very contagious disease.  This bill will go a long to protect our furry friends from unnecessary harm  when we the ability to so easily immunize them from this common and deadly  sickness.""I  want to thank Mayor de Blasio for signing into law this important package of  bills that will ensure New York remains at the forefront of humane animal  practices nationwide. When the Mayor signs my bills to ban force-fed poultry  products and wild bird trafficking, we will be putting an end to two of the  worst examples of animal cruelty in our City, and I look forward to the laws  going into effect," said Council Member Carlina Rivera."The  City Council and the Mayor recognize the need to address cruel and abusive  animal practices through this historic package of legislation," said Council  Member Keith Powers. "From providing updated protections for carriage  horses to establishing the first Office of Animal Welfare, these reforms set a  new benchmark for animal rights.""Animal  abuse is part of the cycle of violence. Intentional animal cruelty has been  shown to correlate with other crimes, including violence against people," said Council Member Fernando Cabrera. "We know that women who enter domestic  violence shelters often report that their partners hurt or killed the family  pet.  Today we""re taking important steps to end the cycle of  violence.  My bill, Intro 1498-A would require NYPD to report data  regarding animal cruelty complaints on its website on a semi-annual basis,  including the number of complaint reports alleging an act of animal cruelty and  the number of animal cruelty arrests by precinct.  Ending animal cruelty  ends violence to animals and humans.""We""re  thrilled that New York City is now the largest city in the world to protect  ducks and geese from the abusive foie gras industry by banning the sale of  force-fed products," said Allie Feldman Taylor, President of Voters for  Animal Rights. "New York has sent a clear message to foie gras  producers that shoving a foot-long pipe down a bird""s throat and intentionally  diseasing and enlarging their liver up to ten times its normal size in order to  create some bizarre delicacy is cruel and has no place in our compassionate  city. We""re beyond grateful to Mayor de Blasio for signing this landmark  package of animal protection measures into law. By enacting this historic  package, New York City has proven itself to be a leader on animal rights.""We  thank Mayor de Blasio for signing these important animal welfare measures,  which will reinforce New York City""s reputation as a place of deep compassion  and a humane model for cities around the country," said Matt Bershadker,  President and CEO of the ASPCA. "We look forward to working with the  Council and Mayor""s Office to continue protecting New York City animals from  unacceptable suffering and abuse.""This  package of bills just made New York a much more civilized city for animals.  PETA is pleased that Mayor de Blasio and the city council recognize that animal  rights issues are important to voters of all political persuasions," said Dan  Matthews, Senior Vice President of PETA."NYCLASS  is thrilled that Mayor De Blasio is signing into law the historic package of  animal protection bills that will improve welfare and end abuse for tens of  thousands of animals, including the long-suffering carriage horses, urban  wildlife and animals tortured for food production," said Edita Birnkrant,  Executive Director of NYCLASS. "We commend the Mayor, Speaker Corey Johnson  and the City Council for resoundingly passing into law the Carriage Horse Heat  Relief Bill, which will finally put a stop to the misery that horses have  endured on scorching City streets every summer when forced to pull heavy  carriages during dangerously humid heat waves. That particular cruelty is now  consigned to the history books and horses will finally get some relief. This  bill signing today places New York City as a global leader in making compassion  for animals a seminal part of a progressive agenda.""With  the signing of these monumental animal rights bills, Mayor de Blasio continues  to keep New York City at the global forefront of ethical and morally  responsible conversations regarding animal welfare. Today marks an important  and decisive victory for sentient beings all across the greatest & most  progressive city on the planet," said Fred (Doc) Beasley, Global Youth  Culture Architect & Chapter Leader of NYC Hip Hop Is Green. "Hip  Hop Is Green is honored to stand alongside the Mayor, community leaders and  forward thinking activists as we continue to work together to make the world  safer for all.""The  Mayor is doing the right thing today! Our community is aligning with the radical  notion that respect for sentient beings is absolutely necessary," said Omowale  Adewale, founder of Black VegFest. "This historic win for ducks and geese  in banning foie gras signifies that intersectionality is a powerful new weapon.  Ending the exploitation of animals runs parallel with people being healthy and  addressing climate change. Black VegFest organizes our annual Brooklyn event  with the message that there is no health plan or environmental benefit in the  pain and suffering of animals. We never have to compromise our fight for  justice to champion others.""Thank  you to the City Council and Mayor de Blasio for working so hard to protect  animals in New York City. These new laws will improve the lives of many  animals, and the creation of an Office of Animal Welfare is an important  additional step toward political representation for animals in our city. We  have a responsibility to treat all animals with respect and compassion, and to  consider human and nonhuman interests together when making decisions that  affect us all. I am proud of my city for continuing to take the lead on animal  welfare, and I look forward to working with them to build on this  progress," said Dr. Jeff Sebo, Director of the NYU Animal Studies M.A.  Program."Mayor  de Blasio and city lawmakers continue to lead the way on animal protection by  passing into law a series of historic bills aimed at creating a more humane  society in New York City. Today""s signing supports a new law protecting wild  birds and pigeons currently being captured and transported to Pennsylvania for  live pigeon shoots, in which organizers release pigeons from boxes just yards  away from lines of waiting shooters who maim and kill the birds as targets. The  Humane Society of the United States applauds Mayor de Blasio for signing this  important measure into law," said Brian Shapiro, New York State  Director for The Humane Society of the United States.
