Mayor de Blasio, Chancellor Carranza and the Museum of Jewish Heritage Expand Partnership to Deepen Fight Against Anti-Semitism and Hate Crimes

January 15, 2020NEW YORK –The de Blasio Administration announced today an expanded  partnership between the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) and the  Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust (MJH) as part of  the City’s commitment to implementing hate crime awareness programming in  schools across the City. The DOE will work closely with principals in  Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and Borough Park to send all eighth- and  tenth-grade classes, totaling 14,000 students, in these neighborhoods on field  trips to the Museum. In addition, all New York City public school families with  students 12 and over will be able to visit the Museum free of charge.“To ensure a  safer and more welcoming future, we must teach our children about the  destructive force of hate,” said Mayor  Bill de Blasio. “This  partnership with the Museum of Jewish Heritage will give all our students and  their families the chance to learn about our past to create a better  future.”“As a former  social studies teacher, I know how important it is for students to learn about  the past in order to understand the world around them,” said Schools Chancellor Richard A.  Carranza. “The lessons of  The Holocaust must never be forgotten, and we’re grateful to the Museum of  Jewish Heritage for expanding our partnership. In the wake of recent  anti-Semitic attacks in our City, we’re committed to helping students and  school communities engage in thoughtful and respectful dialogue, and the Museum  of Jewish Heritage is instrumental in achieving that goal.”“Ignorance is as dangerous as  hate. The mission of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the  Holocaust is to educate people of all ages and backgrounds, with students being  our most important audience. Deepening the Museum’s partnership with the New  York City Department of Education at this critical time will give more students  the knowledge to recognize antisemitism and the ability to empathize with  others who may be different,” said Jack  Kliger, President & CEO, Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to  the Holocaust.“We have seen a startling  increase in swastika vandalism in New York City, which has contributed to the  high number of anti-Semitic hate crimes. By studying the Holocaust, students  learn about the meaning of this symbol and where stereotypes, prejudice, and  discrimination can lead,” said Deborah  Lauter, Executive Director of the New York City Office for the Prevention of  Hate Crimes. “I applaud Mayor de Blasio, Chancellor Carranza, and the  Museum of Jewish Heritage on this initiative to educate students and their  families about the consequences of hate and the importance of standing up for  others.”    This expanded partnership  builds on the Department of Education’s existing relationship with the Museum  of Jewish Heritage, which has included the development of the Museum of Jewish  Heritage Holocaust Curriculum, available to all schools for grades six through  twelve. The curriculum features free lesson plans accessible through the Museum  of Jewish Heritage’s Meilman Virtual Classroom, primary sources, and  other resources for teachers of  middle and high school. Today’s  announcement represents an unprecedented expansion on the DOE and MJH’s  commitment to educating students about Jewish life before, during and after the  Holocaust.The expanded partnership  between DOE and MJH includes:Field Trips  for New York City public school studentsAll eighth- and  tenth-grade students in  Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and Borough Park will have the opportunity to attend  field trips to the Museum of Jewish Heritage’s exhibition Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far  away. The DOE will work  closely with principals in these districts to coordinate and organize field  trips, for the approximately 14,000  New York City public school students in these grades and neighborhoods to visit  the Museum this school year. Auschwitz. Not  long ago. Not far away. is the most  comprehensive exhibition dedicated to the history of Auschwitz and its role in  the Holocaust ever presented in North America. Featuring more than 700 original  objects and 400 photographs, the exhibition traces the development of Nazi  ideology and tells the transformation of Auschwitz from an ordinary Polish town  known as Oświęcim to the most significant Nazi site of the Holocaust. The  exhibition was produced by the international exhibition firm Musealia and the  Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland.Tickets  available to all New York City public school familiesEffective  immediately, all New York City public school students 12 and over will be able  to receive free tickets to the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to  the Holocaust for them to visit the Museum with up to three family members.  Students can show their student ID, report card, or other form of proof of  enrollment at a New York City public school at the Museum to receive admission  free of charge. Tickets will be available to students and their families  through August 30, 2020 and will provide access to all parts of the Museum.  Previously, all public school students were eligible for free admission – now,  that opportunity is being opened up to their families as well.Professional  development for teachers and speakers in schoolsThe New York City  Department of Education will continue to partner with the Museum of Jewish  Heritage to provide professional development to teachers. The next professional  development session, entitled “Exploring Multiple Perspectives with Primary  Sources” is scheduled for Friday, January 31. Teachers will learn how to help  students deepen their understanding of content by comparing, contrasting, and  evaluating primary source documents related to the Holocaust and incorporating  this learning into their classroom lessons. Registration is ongoing, and  teachers interested in attending can sign up here. The Museum has  also committed to providing Holocaust survivors who are part of the Museum’s  Speakers Bureau to address New York City schools, especially in schools in Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and  Borough Park neighborhoods, to  help bring learning about the Holocaust directly to schools and communities.The DOE is  committed to ensuring schools are welcoming, inclusive environments for all  students and will be implementing additional hate crime awareness programming  this month for middle and high schools in the Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and Borough neighborhoods, including workshops  with community partners and leveraging existing social studies curricula and  resources. Curriculum on hate crimes will be launched at middle and high  schools in these neighborhoods beginning in the 2020-21 school year. These  curriculum resources will also be available to middle and high schools citywide.Citywide, the DOE  has distributed resources to facilitate important conversations in the  classroom on promoting respect and addressing hate crimes, and the annual Respect  for All week in February will focus on preventing and addressing hate crimes.  Schools are encouraged to develop opportunities for students to discuss what  discrimination and religious intolerance might look like in a school and  collectively explore the positive actions they can take to promote acceptance,  inclusion, and the diversity of their communities.“In order to ensure we chart a path for an inclusive,  compassionate, and brighter future, we must safeguard against the destructive  and corrosive forces of hate,” Attorney General Letitia James said. “This  expanded partnership between NYC public schools and the Museum of Jewish  Heritage is welcomed news. Educating our youth about the real dangers of  ignorance and hate is crucial to helping them recognize and reject  anti-Semitism in all its insidious forms.”“With the disturbing rise in anti-Semitism and other forms  of hate crimes it is the duty of all of us to teach our children the lessons of  the past to insure that history does not get repeated, said Rep. Jerrold  Nadler.  “This partnership with the Museum of Jewish Heritage will ensure  that the story of the Holocaust is taught in schools today, and the importance  of tolerance and acceptance of people matter no their race, gender, sexual  orientation, or religion,” said Representative Jerrold Nadler.  "In a city as diverse as New York, an attack against  one community must be treated as an attack against all of us," said Assemblyman  Steven Cymbrowitz. "As the son of Holocaust survivors, I grew up  knowing the importance of talking about my family""s story and educating others  about the dangers of staying silent in the face of bigotry and inhumanity. This  partnership between the Department of Education and the Museum of Jewish  Heritage will give children the opportunity to see and learn from those who bore  witness to humankind""s greatest atrocity -- and, as a result, to take  responsibility for carrying forward the message that anti-Semitism and all  forms of hatred have no place in our society." “We must educate the next  generation of leaders in order to reduce hate and build understanding about the  history of anti-Semitism. This partnership between the Museum of Jewish  Heritage and the Department of Education will help give our children the tools  they need to be more compassionate and intolerant of hate, which has no place  in our City. The Council is deeply troubled by the horrific uptick of  anti-Semitic attacks in New York and will work with our partners in the not for  profit world and in government to combat these crimes and make sure Jewish  people feel safe and protected in their own neighborhoods,” said Speaker  Corey Johnson.“As the grandson of Holocaust  survivors, I am very grateful to the Museum of Jewish Heritage and the  Department of Education for providing this incredible educational opportunity  to all New York City public school students. As the incidence and rhetoric of  hate increases nationwide, it has never been more important for students to  learn about the devastating history of hate violence, symbols of hate, and  genocide. Council Member Steve Levin and I, joined by a majority of our  colleagues, have called on the Department of Education to implement a citywide  genocide and anti-hate education curriculum, and this partnership is an  important first step towards ensuring that young people truly understand the  emotional weight and moral imperative of ‘Never again,’” said Council Member  Mark Treyger, Chair of the Committee on Education. “Education is the first step to  dismantling hate. When someone opens their heart and mind to new ideas, they  begin seeing parallels in lived experiences, finding commonality with their  neighbors,” said Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, Jr. “Black and Jewish  Americans share a history of violent marginalization and I support any effort  to teach our children about the reality and destructiveness of hatred and  bigotry. I commend the Department of Education for this thoughtful partnership  and opportunity for our students.”“It is important that we use  education to build bridges as we respond to, and hope to prevent further,  incidents of anti-Semitism and hate based violence in our communities. The  Museum of Jewish Heritage provides invaluable insight into our living history  of the destructive path of othering and scapegoating,” said Council Member  Stephen Levin. “However, it is important that the Holocaust is taught  within the broader context of other genocides and state sponsored oppression.  By teaching our shared and continued history of trauma, we can inoculate  against hate through building knowledge and empathy.”“With the recent spike in  anti-Semitic incidents within my district and across the city, the expanded  partnership between our city schools and the Museum of Jewish Heritage will  serve as a powerful tool of education and  empowerment for our youth and their  families, combating hatred with tolerance.  We must continue to share the  stories of the past to make for a safer, healthier, and happier future,” said Council  Member Laurie Cumbo.“Far, far too few New York City  students can name even one concentration camp or ghetto from the 1940’s, let  alone fully understand or contextualize how the Jewish people’s history is  connected to the current crisis of Anti-Semitism,” said City Council Member  Mark Levine. “To get beyond this crisis we need to dramatically expand  curriculum in our schools and the availability of educational resources, like  access to institutions like the Museum of Jewish Heritage, on the history of  the Holocaust, hate and all genocides. This initiative is another step toward  our shared goal of defeating hate through education and understanding. ”“As the city of New York deals with a rise in acts of  anti-Semitism, it is crucial that our community leaders work together to  address this crisis. I want to commend Chancellor Richard A. Carranza, the  Department of Education, and the Museum of Jewish Heritage for this expanded  partnership that will increase the city’s ability to implement hate crime  awareness programming for our students. In the face of bigotry, the city of New  York has demonstrated its commitment to protecting and supporting communities  of faith. It is my belief that by continuing to build these partnerships, we  will create a more tolerant living environment for all New Yorkers,” said Council Member Mathieu Eugene.
