Mayor de Blasio, Comptroller Stringer and Trustees Take Major Next Step to Achieve Fossil Fuel Divestment

January 21, 2020Advisers selected to analyze, evaluate and recommend  fossil fuel divestment plans for New York City’s largest pension fundsNEW YORK—Mayor Bill de Blasio and Comptroller Scott M.  Stringer, along with trustees of three of the City’s pension funds, announced  today the next major step toward achieving a first-in-the-nation goal to divest  New York City’s largest pension funds from fossil fuel companies. The selection  of advisers to evaluate options and recommend divestment actions has been  completed and will inform the development of a comprehensive and prudent  divestment strategy to preserve the retirement funds of City employees and  address climate change risks, consistent with fiduciary duty. New York City is  the first city in the nation to take this major and necessary step to address  the financial and environmental risks of fossil fuel holdings to the funds and  to our planet.The Comptroller’s office also  released a new Notice of Search (NOS) for City pension funds’ investment in  climate solutions. The pension funds will select public markets investment  managers to help double the City’s investments in climate solutions, investment  in companies that generate revenue from climate mitigation, adaption and  resiliency such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, green buildings and  electric vehicle energy storage, which supports the City’s efforts to achieve  the Paris Agreement.“While the Trump Administration fails  to address global warming as the crisis it is, New York City is taking action,”  said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We are dedicated to delivering what we owe to our children and  grandchildren, which is why we’re  the first in the nation to take major steps to divest from fossil fuels and  invest in climate solutions.”“New York City is standing up for our people, our  pensioners, and the only planet we have because the future is on the side of  big ideas in clean energy--not big polluters,” said New York City  Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. “Climate change is the most pressing  challenge of our time, and we need to meet our climate emergency with every  tool at our disposal to protect our children and our children’s  children. In accordance with our fiduciary duty, the Trustees are  taking the next major step in our first-in-the-nation divestment goal and  leading the charge toward a clean, green and sustainable economy. Our  city workers and our future deserve nothing less.”Divestment Contracts: In January 2018, the trustees announced a goal to divest  from fossil fuel reserve owners within five years. The contracts to advise on the divestment plan will be awarded to Meketa  Investment Group for New York Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS), New York  City Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) and New York City Teachers’  Retirement System (TRS). TRS will also contract with BlackRock Financial  Management, Inc. These three funds, with total holdings of more than $155  billion, hold roughly $3 billion in the securities of fossil fuel reserve  owners.  The pension funds’ move to divest from these companies is among  one of the most significant divestment efforts in the country to date. With the  award of these contracts, the City pension funds are on track to have  actionable plans to divest from fossil fuel reserve owners by late  2020.  The expectation is that the pension fund boards will be able to  adopt a plan and begin execution in 2021.Climate Solutions  Investment Search: The funds’ goal is to double  investments in climate solutions such as wind, solar power, energy efficient  buildings and more to over $4 billion by 2021. The search issued by the  Comptroller’s office Bureau of Asset Management seeks to identify public market  investments in companies and strategies engaged in climate change mitigation,  adaptation and resiliency.  Toolkit and Divest/Invest Forum:In addition to the progress  mentioned above, the City is working to leverage our national and international  partnerships to inspire other municipal leaders and governments to take similar  actions, scale up their climate actions, and help to create a more inclusive  economy for everyone. As such, New York City launched a toolkit in close partnership with the city of London and C40 Cities. This new  guide was prepared as part of the C40 Divest/Invest Forum, a first-of-its-kind  initiative that helps urban leaders make the leap to effective and efficient  divestment and accelerate green investment. The Forum has fourteen  participating cities to date, including the latest joiners Auckland, Melbourne  and Stockholm.From March 16-18, 2020, city leaders will come together in  New York City to share their progress and experience in divesting from fossil  fuel companies and increasing investment in climate solutions. “Confronting our climate crisis requires bold action and  leadership.  By divesting from fossil fuels and investing in climate  solutions, New York City is demonstrating a Green New Deal to the world and  protecting the retirements of the City workforce,” said Daniel Zarrilli,  NYC’s Chief Climate Policy Advisor and OneNYC Director. “We encourage all  investors to follow our lead so that we can end the age of fossil fuels and  secure a livable future for the next generation. Thanks to the pension trustees  for their continued leadership.”Henry Garrido, DC37 Executive Director and NYCERS trustee said, “As NYCERS trustee and as Executive Director of District Council 37, New  York City’s largest municipal employee union, I’m pleased to support the hiring  of Meketa Investment Group as fossil fuel stocks divestiture consultant for  NYCERS. Fossil fuel divestment must be responsible and thoughtful and the vast  experience that Dr. Sarah Bernstein and her team at Meketa bring to this  assignment helps ensure that it will be. Divestment of NYCERS’ investment  portfolio away from fossil fuels is a necessary first step to transitioning to  a renewable and sustainable future and there is no time to lose. I am proud to  stand with Mayor de Blasio, Comptroller Stringer, and my fellow trustees on  this historic occasion.”UFT President Michael Mulgrew said, “Climate change is a pressing issue, and divestment  from fossil fuel companies is one tactic to combat it. Our goal with these  studies is to find strategies that help address this critical worldwide problem  while ensuring the health of our pension system and the safety of our members""  contributions.”"With every passing month the impacts of the climate  crisis become more glaringly obvious and more dire. At the same time, the smart  money is already reading the writing on the wall and getting out of fossil fuel  investments. Nearly 1,200 institutional investors controlling over $12 trillion  have chosen to divest worldwide. I commend Mayor de Blasio and Comptroller  Stringer for having the foresight to divest New York City""s pension funds to  protect returns for their members and retirees, and for understanding that  their fiduciary duty includes ensuring that workers have a livable planet to  retire on,” said State Senator Liz Krueger"Planet Earth is experiencing a climate crisis.  The actions we take now as a society will impact the quality of life for future  generations. To protect our environment, our  dependence on fossil fuels and investment in companies that produce and promote  fossil fuels must end. 

To achieve this goal, New York City is now taking the  necessary steps to divest from companies that harm our planet. While New York  City moves forward, I’ll be working to require that the state  employee pension fund divest monies from fossil fuel companies. Together, we  can make New York a better place for everyone,” said Assistant Speaker Felix  W. Ortiz."The City has a responsibility to ensure a fully-funded  pension that reflects the needs and values of the dedicated men and women that  make up our workforce and the communities that they represent," said Council  Member I. Daneek Miller, Chair of the Committee on Civil Service and Labor.  "As with past divestment programs relating to apartheid and gun retailer  stock, this action is timely, relevant, and consistent with the City""s  longstanding tradition of responsible investment, and we applaud its leadership  in this effort."Bill McKibbben, author and  co-founder of, said, "Some were skeptical that New York  City would actually carry through with its promise to divest its pension  funds--it""s inspiring to see they are on schedule, and also to see them  figuring out how to put big money to work in the transition to renewables.  These steps will make money for retirees, and increase the chances they have a  planet to spend it on."“To address the climate  crisis we need the financial markets to act to support solutions and stop  supporting carbon pollution.  New York City’s climate leadership is  demonstrating that this is possible - and that saving the planet is not in  conflict with investment returns.  In fact, divesting from fossil fuels  and investing in climate solutions is what every investor should be doing,” said David  Miller, North American Regional Director and Global Ambassador for Inclusive  Climate Action, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. “C40 is proud to be  standing with New York City and London as they lead the C40 Divest/Invest  Forum.  Congratulations to Mayor de Blasio for his leadership.”"Today""s announcement by  Mayor de Blasio and Comptroller Stringer is the latest action by NYC in  recognition that pension funds must address climate change as a matter of  portfolio risk,” said Mindy Lubber, CEO and President of the  sustainability nonprofit organization Ceres. “Pension fiduciaries who  invest for the long term must look for low-carbon investment opportunities in  the transition to the net-zero emissions economy. NYC""s action to  divest from fossil fuels by 2022 and double their investments in climate  solutions are crucial steps to address climate change and limit financial risks  to their portfolios.”Comptroller Stringer serves as the investment advisor to,  and custodian and a trustee of, the New York City Pension Funds.In addition to Comptroller Stringer, the participating New  York City Pension Funds’ trustees are:New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS): New  York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer; Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Representative,  John Adler (Chair); New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams; Borough  Presidents: Gale Brewer (Manhattan), Sharon Lee (Queens), Eric Adams  (Brooklyn), James Oddo (Staten Island), and Ruben Diaz, Jr. (Bronx); Henry  Garrido, Executive Director, District Council 37, AFSCME; Tony Utano, President  Transport Workers Union Local 100; Gregory Floyd, President, International  Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 237.Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS): New York City Comptroller  Scott M. Stringer; Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Appointee, John Adler; Chancellor’s  Representative, Lindsey Oates, New York City Department of Education; Natalie  Green Giles; and Debra Penny (Chair), Thomas Brown and David Kazansky, all of  the United Federation of Teachers.Board of Education Retirement System (BERS): Schools  Chancellor Richard Carranza; Mayoral: Isaac Carmignami, Natalie Green Giles,  Vanessa Leung, Gary Linnen, Lori Podvesker, Shannon Waite, Miguelina  Zorilla-Aristy; Michael Kraft (Manhattan BP), Deborah Dillingham (Queens BP),  April Chapman (Brooklyn BP), Geneal Chacon (Bronx BP) and Peter Calandrella  (Staten Island BP); and employee members John Maderich of the IUOE Local 891  and Donald Nesbit of District Council 37, Local 372.
