Green New Deal: Mayor de Blasio Announces New Energy Code to Meet Challenge of Global Warming

February 27, 20202020  NYC Energy Conservation Code holds new buildings to strict standards to  implement Green New Deal & make New York Citythe  global leader in sustainabilityNew York–Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the passage of the 2020 NYC Energy  Conservation Code following today""s successful vote in the New York City  Council. This updated energy code provides a new benchmark of sustainability and energy  efficiency for all construction in the five boroughs. The passage of this  legislation demonstrates the Administration""s commitment to leading the country  in actively addressing the threat of climate change. The energy code will go  into effect on May 12, 2020."New York City is leading the nation in our fight against global  warming," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "Our new energy code will ensure  that buildings - our city""s biggest polluters - are held to the highest  standard of sustainability and efficiency."
"We  must meet the challenge of global warming by tackling the single largest source  of emissions in New York City – our buildings," said DOB Commissioner  Melanie La Rocca. "Our revised Energy Code means that new construction and  improvements to existing buildings will be part of the solution to climate  change, not contributing to the problem. By helping us implement the Green New  Deal, these strict energy standards ensure we are leading the nation by  building a more sustainable and fairer city for all."Link  to new energy codeThe foundation of New York City""s 2020 Energy Conservation Code is  the 2020 New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code and the New York  State Energy Research and Development Authority""s (NYSERDA) NYStretch Energy  Code, a model energy code that provides additional energy savings over the New  York State Energy Code. Our new city energy code goes  even further, with additional energy efficiency requirements that are specific  to New York City and our unique urban environment. The 2020 code mandates that  construction projects:Improve  the building thermal envelope with better performing walls and windowsSeal  and test the building envelope to minimize and control air leakageRequire  balconies and parapets to be continuously insulatedIdentify  thermal bridging elements in the building envelopeMeet  minimum energy efficiency requirements for heating and cooling systemsRequire  more efficient interior lighting and additional lighting controlsPerform  commissioning on more HVAC alteration projectsRequire  efficiency measures on new elevators and commercial kitchen equipmentRequire  the infrastructure for the future installation of electric vehicle chargers in  one- and two-family homesRequire  whole building metering for new buildings greater than 25,000 square feetAllow  source energy as a metric, instead of energy cost, for buildings choosing to  comply with energy modelingRequire  additional thermal envelope performance requirements for buildings choosing to  comply with energy modelingThe 2020 NYC Energy Conservation Code is just one of the New York  City Construction Codes being updated by the Department of Buildings as part of  the ongoing Code Revision Cycle. The Department convenes multiple advisory and  technical committees as part of this continual revision process as a commitment  to have New York City remain on the cutting edge of development trends and best  safety practices. The Department will be introducing updates to the balance of  our New York City Construction Codes later this year."The  City Council has a strong history of working to mitigate the effects of climate  change, the existential threat of our times. This legislation tackles  greenhouse gas emissions from one of our worse polluters: buildings. The bill  ensures that new or substantially renovated buildings will be more sustainable  and energy efficient. New York City is and will continue to be a leader in  fighting climate change," said Council Speaker Corey Johnson. "Our codes are how we speak the truth of our values in the  language of our built environment," said Mark Chambers, Director of the  Mayor""s Office of Sustainability. "In the spaces where we live, work, and  play, these new energy conservation codes will unlock healthier and more  efficient buildings to help us in the fight against climate change – the fight  for our future."NYC  Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, Jr., Chair of Committee on Housing and  Buildings said, "Today""s passage of the 2020 NYC Energy Conservation Code marks the  culmination of work to advance sustainability. That work included government,  advocates, and the private sector all putting in their insights and expertise  to upgrade our commitments, take advantage of new technologies, and pursue  strategies that conserve. By passing the NYC ECC, we reaffirm our City""s  leadership in tackling climate change and create a positive example for  communities across the world to pursue. I am proud to partner with all those  who joined this effort to make substantial progress in upgrading our ECC, and  look forward to continuing to use the sustainability lens as we move forward in  making policy to tackle the problem of climate change."John  Mandyck, CEO of Urban Green Council said: "NYC""s new Energy Code is among the  strongest in the nation. This breakthrough code will drive cost-effective  efficiency in new buildings and renovations, helping to ensure affordable,  healthy and low-carbon buildings for all New Yorkers.""With the adoption  of New York City""s new energy code, our buildings will become significantly  more efficient, demonstrating the important role better buildings must play in  fighting climate change and a key tool that cities have to reduce emissions,"  said Donna De Costanzo, Eastern Regional Director for the Climate and Clean  Energy Program of the Natural Resources Defense Council. "New York  City is continuing to ensure that the most recognizable skyline in the  world is also a symbol of sustainability.""New  York""s professional engineering community is strongly committed to helping the  city implement sustainability, energy efficiency and carbon emissions  reductions. ACEC New York supports the use of a rational and comprehensive  effort to achieve this, of which the 2020 NYC Energy Conservation Code is an  important part. We commend the Administration and the City Council for having a  robust process for stakeholder input and congratulate the city for passing this  important legislation" said Jay Simson, President and CEO, American Council  of Engineering Companies of New York." "AIA New York is in full support of the adoption  of the NYC Energy Conservation Code; one of the most advanced building energy  codes in the country. Studies show that buildings in NYC produce Seventy  percent of carbon emissions. Therefore, architects are among the key players  who can help us fight climate change and improve air quality, through the  design of more energy efficient buildings and retrofits in compliance of this  new code," said Benjamin Prosky, Executive Director, American Institute of  Architects (AIA) New York."Our members are leading  the effort to reduce carbon emissions through innovative, clean-energy  technologies and sustainable development," said James Whelan, President  of the Real Estate Board of New York. "The 2020 NYC Energy Conservation  Code demonstrates our shared commitment to meet New York""s ambitious  climate goals and achieve a more environmentally friendly city.""Here in  New York City, we are saying no to fossil fuels and yes to 100% clean  electricity with a comprehensive effort to end the expansion of fossil fuel  infrastructure and investments into solar, wind, and hydropower,"  said Daniel Zarrilli, NYC""s Chief Climate Policy Advisor. "With the  passage of the new Energy Conservation Code, New York City is leading the way  in cutting its emissions to achieve carbon neutrality and demonstrating how a  Green New Deal works for all New Yorkers."
