City of New York Sues Trump Administration for Threatening Pandemic Relief Funds Intended for Economically Disadvantaged Students in Public Schools

July 17, 2020Interim final rule threatens at least $53 million in  funding to New York City K-12 public schoolsNEW YORK—The de Blasio Administration today announced that the New  York City Department of Education is joining a lawsuit against the U.S.  Department of Education (USDOE) and Education Secretary Betsy Devos over their  unlawful attempt to siphon federal pandemic relief funds from economically  disadvantaged students in K-12 public schools and impermissibly restrict  needed flexibility in the use of those funds, contrary to Congressional intent.  The lawsuit targets a new USDOE rule which unlawfully diverts and limits the  use of funding made available to schools under the federal Coronavirus Aid,  Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. New York City schools stand to lose  at least $53 million because of the rule, which violates the requirements  established by Congress in the CARES Act, the Administrative Procedure Act, and  the U.S. Constitution."President Trump has already  botched his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and now he is threatening to  take millions of dollars in aid away from vulnerable students in our public  schools," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "His cruelty knows  no bounds. A safe and successful school reopening requires support from all  levels of government, not playing politics with our kids. President Trump:  we""ll see you in court.""At a time when we should be  addressing the needs of our most vulnerable students, the Trump Administration  is trying to take millions of dollars in emergency pandemic aid intended to  support them and turn it over to private educational institutions already flush  with other federal pandemic aid. This is Robin Hood in reverse.  This rule  worsens the challenges and inequities our students face right now that have  been made worse by the pandemic. We will battle this cruel initiative and  ensure our students receive the aid they need and deserve," said Corporation Counsel James E. Johnson."The federal government""s utter  lack of leadership throughout this crisis has caused immeasurable harm to our  students and families, and we""re not going to stand idly by while they attempt  to harm our public schools. As the largest school district in the nation, we  need more—not less—funding from our country""s leaders whose job it is to  support public institutions rather than privatization that benefits the  privileged few. Safe reopening requires all the resources we can get, and we  call on the Trump Administration to stop playing politics with our children,"  said Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza.On March 27, 2020, Congress  enacted the CARES Act to assist schools across the nation in responding to the  enormous challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the Act, $13.2  billion in emergency aid would be distributed to K-12 schools nationwide, of  which $717 million was slated for the New York City school system, the largest  school district in the nation. The Act requires funds to be distributed under a  longstanding formula set by federal education law (Title I), which allocates  funds to private and public schools in proportion to the number of low-income  students residing in a school district. According to the lawsuit, this legal  requirement is violated by the restrictions imposed in the USDOE""s rule and as  a result would deprive many low-income and at-risk students, their teachers and  the public schools that serve them of essential resources needed during and in  response to the pandemic.USDOE""s rule changes or imposes  restrictions on the methodology mandated by the CARES Act for the distribution  of funds by offering two options to states and local school districts such  as the NYC DOE, neither of which is authorized under the CARES Act and will  harm city schools. Under the first option, CARES Act funds would be allocated  based on the number of low-income students, but the funds must only be used for  schools qualifying for Title I funding.  This results in a loss of an  estimated $100 million for more than 250 non-Title I New York City public  schools and the disadvantaged students in those schools, and otherwise  restricts funding for central services for all public schools. Those services  include pupil transportation, facilities maintenance and improvements, school  safety, food services (including staff to serve meals), technology platforms for  remote learning, and custodial and cleaning supplies.  Under the second  option, states and local school districts would be required to distribute  CARES Act funds without regard to low-income status or residency of  students, as is required under Title I.  This would divert approximately  $53 million from public to private schools, as more private school students  would be counted to determine the private school share. The loss of funds  intended for public schools comes at a time when news reports show private schools  getting millions in other pandemic funds.According to the lawsuit, the  federal rule causes immediate and irreparable harm to the City""s public schools  and its students which have already incurred funding reductions by the state  during the pandemic. The rule will have a long-term negative impact on hundreds  of thousands of public-school students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,  including those most vulnerable to its effects.In addition to the City of New  York, Hawaii, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Cleveland Municipal School  District Board of Education and San Francisco Unified School District are part  of today""s legal effort to join a suit originally filed by California and  Michigan Attorneys General in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District  of California.The City of New York is committed  to furthering the interests of students. In June, the Law Department filed suit  to protect students from a harmful Trump Administration education rule which  weakens the NYC DOE""s ability to properly investigate student harassment,  including sexual assault, in city schools.Eric Proshansky, Hope Lu, and Gail  Rubin of the Law Department""s Affirmative Litigation Division are handling the  current suit.
